Are You Lazy Enough To Send Your Dog To Fat Camp?

Published A Few Days Ago

If your dog has too much weight and you have too much money, why not send him to fat camp?

Pet obesity is on the rise and this is a troubling concern. As pet parents, we want to arm ourselves with information on how we can help keep our pets healthy and at a proper weight for their size. But if your dog has too much junk in his trunk, how far would you be willing to go to get him to lose the unsightly pounds? Would you send him to fat camp? Because if you have the money to throw away, now you can!

As you can probably tell by the tone of this article, we think that the trend of luxury “fat camp” spas for obese pets is going a little overboard, trying to separate pet parents from their money. Just one of these camps is the Morris Animal Inn in Morristown, N.J. Your pudgy pooch (or fat cat) can feel the burn with a five-day-long stay that includes participation in activities such as doga, pawlates and treadmill trots. After pumping their paws off, pets can refuel with organic granola treats. The cost to send your pet to Morris Animal Inn will set you back $249.

Don’t get us wrong – pet obesity is a growing problem in North America that can lead to a variety of health issues (just a few include osteoarthritis, diabetes, decreased life expectancy and cancer.) According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, about 53 percent of dogs in the U.S. are obese, while 58 percent of cats are obese. But is sending them away to fat camp the answer?

We think that cutting back on fattening and sugary treats, feeding a well-balanced and quality diet and upping exercise is the answer, not sending your pets away for a week. That’s not fixing the problem – your dog will just come back, the bad habits will start all over again and the weight will come back on.

You know what – this would work for pet parents too! Let’s set a good example for our pets. Let’s put down the junky snacks, pick up the leash and the tennis ball and get outside with our pets! Who’s with us?

What are your thoughts on fat camps for pets? Please leave your comments down below.

[Source: CBC]



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