Ask The Hairy Dogfathers: Dog Don’t Got Game

Published A Few Days Ago

What do you do when your dog doesn’t share your passion for the sport of agility? Instead of being benched, the Hairy Dogfathers have some advice to share.

Dear Hairy Dogfathers,

I am a crazy dog person. I fully and freely admit this. My first dog, Huey, loved agility so much. Huey got older, and passed over the Rainbow Bridge. My agility friends found me another dog, Gamer. Gamer was bred by someone in the club, and all his family play agility. Gamer doesn’t. His mom does, his dad plays, all his siblings happily play. I have tried all sorts of things, and he just isn’t an agility dog. He doesn’t enjoy it, and I am not going make him do it. But here’s my problem… I would happily keep Gamer as a pet, and get a second dog to do agility with. My husband says that one dog is enough, and there’s no way we are getting a second! Agility was my outlet, my passion! I miss my friends there. What am I to do?

From, No more agility!?

Related:Exhilarating Workouts For You And Your Dog

Dear Agility,

Playing a sport with your dog can be so much fun, and can also be a good social outlet for you and your dog. It’s really too bad that Gamer isn’t into agility, total bummer. It’s understandable that you want to continue with the sport, and it’s unfortunate that your hubby isn’t open to getting a second dog right now. While you’re waiting for him to come around, why don’t you try a new dog sport? There are so many to choose from, some of my personal favorites include rally, disc dogging and canicross. Depending on what Gamer is into, I’m sure you can find a human/canine sport that suits the two of you, it may not be what you are used to, but I guarantee it will help you and Gamer grow closer and you will both have a lot of fun.

Game on!

Related:Dog-Powered Running: Get Fit With Canicross

Dear Agility,

I hear you! But honey, this isn’t all about you! Your dog is trying to tell you something here: he doesn’t like this sport. So play around with some other training. Perhaps some of your other agility friends are willing to cross over and try a new sport with you as well.

Now for the husband thinking you have enough dogs… well, I can relate to that! I certainly don’t understand it, but I have been there. Everyone has their limits, and one dog is his. You have to respect that. You don’t have to like it, but you have to respect it. Perhaps you and the hubby would be willing to foster another dog, just to see if four’s a crowd. Remember, your hubby has to live there too, so be fair to him!

Now, if you can’t get a second dog, and another sport doesn’t appeal to you, then consider helping out at your club. Be a super helper with setting up equipment, a timer at matches or take on a more formal role within the club’s organization.

Dogs don’t live forever. Enjoy Gamer for who he is.




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