Best Cat Pheromone Sprays

Published A Few Days Ago

If your cat suffers from stress or anxiety, it can result in unwanted behavior. Cat pheromone sprays could be the answer you’ve been looking for.


Cats are definitely interesting creatures, and the way they communicate with pheromones is really neat. You won’t be able to smell feline pheromones, but your kitty will, and he can use those pheromones to give and receive messages when communicating with other cats or when establishing a safe space to call his own.


Your furry friend releases pheromones from different parts of his body. For example, by rubbing his face on objects, doorframes, and even you, he releases pheromones that send messages of comfort and security in his environment. When your kitty uses a scratching post, pheromones are left behind there too, indicating that that’s his spot and he can feel content and safe there. Also, if your cat is urine marking, he’s leaving behind pheromones to mark his territory. And mother cats even release pheromones for their kittens as well.


Feline Pheromones to Tackle Stress, Anxiety, and Unwanted Behaviors

Sometimes, a cat can become so stressed or anxious that unwanted behaviors develop. These could include scratching on objects other than his scratching post, urine spraying outside the litter box, or aggression towards other kitties in the household, as a few examples.

By purchasing and using products that contain synthetic versions of natural feline pheromones, you can release reassuring messages into your pet’s environment. And doing so might help reduce negative patterns of behavior and allow your kitty to realize he shouldn’t be fearful.


Pheromone products for cats come in various forms, but sprays, in particular, are really easy to use at home and on the go. What are the best feline pheromone sprays to consider buying? We’ve compiled a list below with plenty of details to help you shop smarter.

Note: All of the items discussed below contain feline pheromones. Keep in mind that there are many “calming sprays” for cats available, but they don’t actually contain any pheromones, so read product descriptions carefully before buying.

If your cat is really stressed out, he might end up exhibiting negative behaviors, such as scratching your furniture or spraying to mark territory around your home. And, when your pet is that stressed out, to the point that he’s ruining your belongings, you’ll inevitably start to feel stressed out too. Thankfully, there are products like the Comfort Zone Spray & Scratch Control feline pheromone spray, which is clinically proven.


The pheromone technology that this product contains can help with reducing urine marking, limiting destructive scratching, and creating a calming environment that your kitty can feel safe and secure in so he won’t feel the need to be so destructive anymore.

This is an unscented product that does not contain any drugs. It is safe for use on upholstery, doorframes, hardwood, and fabrics, so you can spray it just about anywhere your cat is exhibiting negative and destructive behaviors that need to stop.

Simply find the areas of your house that your kitty is targeting, spot treat those areas with this spray, and see if the behaviors change for the better. All you have to do is spray it once a day on objects that your cat is attracted to. And you can also spray an entire area that’s being scratched. You might be surprised by how well this works, and only your cat will be affected by the pheromones in the spray, as they replicate your kitty’s natural pheromones to send out calming messages.


Another nice feature is that this product is recommended by veterinarians. Also, it is appropriate for use around kittens and adult cats. Just keep in mind that different cats may respond differently to pheromone sprays, including this one, so you won’t know how your unique kitty will react to it until you give it a try. But what’s reassuring about this Comfort Zone pheromone spray is that it comes with a satisfaction guarantee, so if you don’t like it, you can get your money back.

It might take about four weeks before you start to see significant changes in your cat’s behaviors, but you might start to see some results within the first week. You can also combine this spray with the use of a pheromone diffuser, like the one offered by Comfort Zone, to see if that improves results.

Note: In addition to using this feline pheromone spray around the house to prevent scratching, spraying, and other negative behaviors, you can also use it when your kitty experiences stress and nervousness while traveling or when going to the veterinarian. When using it for travel, just spray the inside of your pet’s carrier (it’s a great idea to spray every corner, as well as the floor and ceiling of the carrier) and your car about 15 minutes before heading out with your cat. One or two spritzes in each location is enough, and you can reapply the spray prior to every trip.


Another feline pheromone product that is recommended by veterinarians and comes with a satisfaction guarantee is the Feliway Classic Spray. The great thing about this product is that you can use it both at home and on the go to help keep your kitty feeling calm, relaxed, and safe. The spray contains ingredients that mimic a cat’s facial pheromones to promote calm and comfort.

Whether your cat is exhibiting negative and destructive behaviors at home because he’s frazzled, he is really stressed because you have moved or introduced a new pet to the family, or he gets really stressed when he needs to travel or go to the vet, this spray might be able to help him feel more at ease. From vertical scratching, hissing, and fighting, to hiding and urine spraying, this product can come in handy to help your cat feel less anxious.

Use this clinically proven, drug-free, odorless spray to target specific areas where your cat is exhibiting unwanted behaviors, like urine spraying and scratching. So, for example, if your kitty is spraying on a particular wall, or scratching at a particular piece of furniture, applying this feline pheromone spray on those areas might help him realize that he doesn’t need to do that. And, for travel, you can apply this pheromone spray directly inside your kitty’s carrier.


When using this product at home, you can apply it at least once every day to help reduce the odds that your cat will end up scratching more or re-marking territory. It can be applied to areas like window sills, objects around the home, and doorways, as a few examples. If you’re going to apply it to an area where your cat has sprayed urine, though, be sure to thoroughly clean the area first before spraying this pheromone product on it. During travel, such as by car, you can apply the spray every four to five hours to help keep your kitty calm. Just be sure to wait roughly 10 minutes before putting your pet into the carrier after you apply the spray. Using 8-10 pumps should do, whether at home or on the go, but remember that you might need to reapply it because it will last up to five hours.

No matter what, you should never spray this product directly onto your cat, and you should not spray it into your cat’s carrier while he is inside of it. And it should not be sprayed on your cat’s scratching post because that would actually end up deterring your kitty from using it, and you don’t want that—you want your cat to use the scratching post instead of your furniture, after all! Bottom line: only spray this product in your cat’s environment according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Remember, every cat is unique, so even though this product works on most kitties, you won’t know how it will affect your pet until you try it. However, this product is clinically proven to significantly reduce urine marking and inappropriate scratching in a week. For your cat, results might take longer, so just be patient.


ThunderEase is a vet recommended, clinically proven solution for kitties who exhibit negative behaviors like spraying or scratching. Formulated to help your feline friend feel calmer and more at ease, as well as safer in his environment, this product mimics the facial pheromones that cats release when they rub their cheeks on things to mark their territory.

You can use this pheromone spray at home and on the go, such as when you’re moving to a new house or when you are traveling with your kitty, especially if he tends to get frazzled when placed in a carrier or in the car. It might be helpful when your cat needs to see the vet or when you are spending time away from home, such as when you take a trip with your pet. And it might also work if loud noises are frightening your cat (e.g. fireworks on the 4th of July) or if your fur baby experiences separation anxiety because you can’t be home as often as you’d like.

This feline pheromone spray is drug-free, and it’s over 90% effective when it comes to lessening a kitty’s anxiety and the negative behaviors that might come along with it. Plus, it is safe for your family and other pets. Just be sure to use this spray on objects, and never directly on your cat. Follow the directions on the package to use it safely and get the best results possible.


If your cat is exhibiting negative behaviors that you want to stop right away, the Sentry Stop That! Noise and Pheromone Cat Spray might be a great way to modify that behavior on the spot.

This product does two things: it makes noise to immediately get your cat’s attention and stop him from continuing his destructive behavior, and it releases pheromones to help decrease your cat’s desire to do a repeat performance. While you can use noise or pheromones separately, this product allows you to use both of these strategies at the same time to help reduce destructive and negative behaviors like scratching, aggression, or jumping on counters.

One short burst of the spray is all you need, but it is important to always spray roughly 12 to 18 inches away from your pet. Never spray this product directly onto your cat or into your cat’s face.


This pheromone spray wouldn’t be right for kitties who are anxious or fearful, as the noise would likely make things worse. And if you find that the noise causes your fur baby to experience anxiety, it is best to stick with a pheromone spray that doesn’t make any sounds. Also, keep in mind that this product releases a lavender and chamomile fragrance, so if you or your pets are sensitive to fragrances, this may not be the ideal choice. Even so, this spray is safe and effective when used as directed, without long-term side effects.

Another pheromone spray by Sentry is their Calming Spray for Cats. This product is scientifically proven to help calm pets who are anxious and who find themselves in stressful situations. And it can also help with kitties that misbehave as a result of their tension and fear.

This spray, which is easy to use, is safe, effective, and proven to modify stress related behaviors in felines. It contains a patented pheromone that helps calm your cat down in a natural way. If your pet is in a new environment or is stressed for any reason, like needing to go to the vet, having visitors at home, or anything in between, this product might help reduce his anxiety and make him feel more confident and comfortable.


You can use this product in a variety of ways. For example, if your cat suffers from separation anxiety, try spraying Sentry Calming Cat Spray in your home, especially where your kitty likes to sleep, to help him feel safer. And, in addition to using this pheromone spray at home, you can also use it in your kitty’s crate to make travel a less jarring experience and to help your kitty feel secure.

How does it work? Well, this spray mimics the neonatal pheromone that is released by mother cats, so your kitty can feel less nervous in a variety of scenarios, from car rides to noisy thunderstorms. Also, if your kitten or adult cat is exhibiting problematic behaviors like excessive meowing, unwanted scratching, or urine marking, this pheromone spray might help reduce or stop those behaviors.

One small burst of the spray is all you need. Just be sure to read the directions carefully and only use this product as directed. And keep in mind that every kitty is unique, so, like all of the items on this list, you will need to see how your pet reacts to this spray to determine if it will work.


Finally, it is also important to note that this product does release a lavender chamomile fragrance, which is meant to be soothing and pleasant. Therefore, if you are hoping to get an odor-free pheromone spray, this is not the ideal option.

Try Pheromone Sprays to Help Your Cat Relax

Pheromone products, including sprays, diffusers, and collars, might be just what you need to help your kitty feel more relaxed if he tends to be stressed out.

If you give these products a try and you don’t see improvement, though, consult with your veterinarian to determine what might be at the root of your pet’s negative behaviors, and to figure out what to do. Remember, underlying health problems might lead to unwanted behaviors, like urinating outside the litter box or aggression and agitation, so you want to be sure you’re treating the real cause of the problem to help your pet remain happy and healthy.


Calming pheromone sprays for cats mimic natural feline pheromones which are behavior-affecting chemicals that a cat’s body produces. Pheromone sprays release the same pheromone a mother cat would produce while caring for her litter, called the appeasing pheromone. As a result, pheromone sprays can have a soothing, relaxing effect on cats, helping your pet overcome anxiety, ease stress, or prevent problematic behaviors that stem from this, such as furniture scratching or marking.

Every cat is unique so there’s no telling exactly when the effects of pheromone sprays will start to kick in, but the general consensus is that it usually takes about 2 weeks for pheromone sprays to start working. Some pheromone sprays, however, can be faster-acting, so you can plug them in two to three days before a stressful event to make sure your pet will be calm and relaxed in the face of a situation that would usually cause them to be anxious. In either case, it’s best to play it safe and start using pheromones some time ahead of the stressful event – and don’t expect them to work instantly if your cat already has behavioral problems.

No, pheromones are not bad for cats. The pheromones mimic those that your kitty’s mom released in their earliest days, taking them back to that place and feeling of absolute safety and carelessness, so they have a positive effect on their mental health. Furthermore, as pheromones from sprays and diffusers do not enter the bloodstream (or your pet’s body, for that place), they are perfectly safe and won’t have any adverse effect, no matter your pet’s age.


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