Adventures In Dog Sitting: Let The Fun Begin (Part 2)

Published A Few Days Ago

Let’s hear it from the dogs! Mickey and Oscar tell their side of the story during our first few days together.

It’s DDO-Day – dog drop-off day. The plan is for Greg to drop off Mickey on his way to the airport. A few directions as to feeding now that he’s sans three teeth, and Greg is Vegas bound. Poor Mickey! When he notices his dad has jumped ship, he looks a little down. But it’s nothing a belly rub won’t fix.

Now, I don’t want to monopolize the whole story, so I thought that you’d get a better dog’s-eye-view from Mickey and Oscar. Oscar, as you’ll remember from Part 1 of the story, is a bit of a dog snob, and my intention with dog sitting Mickey was to open him up to the possibility of adding a furry brother or sister to our family unit.

But enough from me – I’m going to let the dogs take it from here.

Related:Adventures In Dog Sitting: Meeting Mickey (Part 1)

New house! New house! New house! Everything smells so different! And there’s another dog here. I’m not too sure about him… he won’t look at me and every time I try to get close to him, he takes off in the opposite direction. Not the warm welcome I was looking for, but I’ll win him over with my adorable, derpy personality.

This new human, who answers to Amy, however, is a different story. Sure, I’ll let her pet me when I’m cuddled up by her side on the couch, but otherwise, I’m hiding under the table. It was really nice of her to build me a fort, complete with flannel blanket. I think I’ll hide out under here for the next few days when she’s walking around.

Related:5 Important Tips For Hiring a Dog Sitter

My mouth is a bit sore from going to the dog probing place. Every time I go there, the guy with the gloves is always sticking his fingers somewhere he’s not welcome. But on the plus side, I get to eat a whole can of this yummy soft food from the can for a couple of days. I Hoover that stuff up before the new human Amy catches onto how good it is and steals it for her own dinner. Later on this evening, I’ll tell her how good it is by farting in her general direction. She’ll appreciate that.

While new human Amy and the other dog are sleeping, I think I’ll redecorate my new home. It doesn’t smell like me yet. A couple of choice poops and a few puddles of pee will set things straight. I’ve got a busy night of exploring every room in the house and leaving my own personal touch.

You’re welcome.


Oscar’s Side:

I don’t know who you are, what you’re doing here or why you smell so funny, but I don’t like it. Nope, not one bit.

We need to get some ground rules in place.

Follow these rules, stay out of my space, and the next four days will go by just fine.

Next week – Mickey smells too much like a boy for my tastes. It’s time for a mud bath and a makeover. Plus, a list of everything and everywhere Mickey has deemed to be his bathroom.



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