Carrot Delight Dog Treat Recipe

Published A Few Days Ago

When I make dog food for Oscar, I always throw in at least one carrot for good measure. Carrots are one of the wonderful veggies that humans and dogs can share during meal times. And anytime I can shred one up and put it in the dog treats I’m baking up, you know it’s going in. That’s what the carrot Delight Dog Treat Recipe is all about. But I think you can put some into most dog treat recipes you whip up and it’ll turn out great. It sure did with this batch!

Carrot Delight Dog Treat Recipe

Makes about 30 cookies


2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

3/4 cup dry milk powder

1 egg

1/8 cup olive oil

1 cup beef broth

2 tablespoons honey

1 carrot, shredded


These cookies turned out really well for me. As you can see, I went for a Valentine’s Day theme and cut out lots of hearts for Oscar and the office dogs to om nom nom on. You should bake up a bunch for your furry Valentine and show him how much you love him with some tasty treats!



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