Chock Full Of Carob Chip Dog Treat Recipe

Published A Few Days Ago

Chocolate is deadly to dogs, so they miss out on the joys of chocolate chip cookies. But they can have the next best thing – carob! Carob is naturally sweet, low in fat, high in fiber, has calcium, and contains no caffeine. You have to be a bit extra when baking with carob, as it can burn. It’s a good idea to set your oven 25°F lower than usual when baking with this ingredient.

Chock Full Of Carob Chip Dog Treat Recipe

Makes about 30 cookies


2 cups brown rice flour

1.5 cups oat flour

1 cup carob chips

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 egg

1 cup water


What an ooey, gooey treat! Oscar loved them and they looked great. I think that these treats would make wonderful doggy birthday or special occasion presents (or any occasion treats!). Try them out and let me know what you think of them.

What Is Carob?

Made from bean pods found on the carob tree, carob is a sweet and healthy fruit that is often use in recipes as a replacement for chocolate. It was first used for its health benefits approximately 4000 years ago by the ancient Greeks. Today, it can be purchased in many forms including powder, chips, syrup, extract, and even as dietary pills.

Why is it so commonly used in dog treats? While there is no denying the fact that carob looks like chocolate and even shares a similar sweet yet bitter taste, however, the real reason so many dog lovers use carob is what it doesn’t have. Carob pods don’t contain the substances that make chocolate so toxic for dogs such as phenylethylamine, formamide or caffeine.

Benefits of Carob for Your Dog

Not only does carob make a great dog-friendly substitute for chocolate, but it also carries some great health benefits for your pup. Carob pods are packed with several vitamins and minerals including vitamin B2, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Like many other fruits, it’s a good source of fiber and pectin, aiding the digestive system. Its consumption has also been linked with lowered cholesterol and relief from diarrhea.



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