Double Doodle

Published A Few Days Ago
fast facts

About Double Doodle

23-25 inches
30-70 lb
12-15 years
Not Applicable
Best Suited For
Families with children, those looking for a low-shedding dog, first-time dog owners who want a dog that is easy to train.
Loving, friendly, intelligent, social
Comparable Breeds
Goldendoodle, Labradoodle

Double Doodle Basics

Everyone loves a Doodle. That’s a fact. Take a look at a Doodle and it’s easy to understand why. These pups are simply too adorable to resist and need to be treated with as much love and respect as humanly possible. And it’s not all about looks, either – these pooches have a ton of fantastic character traits that are hard to overlook. However, there are some folks out there for whom a single Doodle simply won’t do! It’s just not enough Doodle for them. They need more. Twice as much actually. And in a single dog. They need a Double Doodle in their lives. That’s the key to everyone’s Doodle desires. Once you spend a little time learning about the nature of these absolutely stunning animals, it’ll be easy for you to understand why. Single Doodles have nothing on the remarkable Double Doodle. One doggo – double the fun! Let’s learn more about these unique designer dogs. 

Looking for something to cuddle? Specifically a dog so adorable and loving that cuddles become irresistible at all times? Well, if you want to have a living teddy bear as your family pet, then the Double Doodle is a perfect choice. These big fluffy doggos are not only gorgeous, but they also have lovely personalities that make them very popular. That is especially true with fans of hybrid dogs. However, even though these crossbreeds belong to the diverse world of popular designer dog breeds, their lineage is somewhat more unusual than you’d expect. This isn’t a standard hybrid that combines two popular breeds into one delightful pup. Nope, the Double Doodle’s origin is more complicated than that. This is a designer dog that has been crafted through several layers of canine excellence. The results of all that thought and work from breeders really shows in the final product.

So, what makes these lovable fur balls so unique? The Double Doodle is a hybrid offspring of two hybrids: the Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle. It’s a hybrid of other hybrids. A power combination of cuteness cubed. His unique name comes from the fact that both the Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle are already crossbreeds, which means he is not a typical hybrid (where both parents are purebreds). Nope, this Doodle is more special than that and the results speak for themselves. The end product of breeding those two beloved Doodles is a super intelligent dog with a cheerful and friendly personality. These pups are great with kids and are mercifully low-shedding for owners who struggle with allergies. Naturally, all of these fantastic traits and the fact that the Double Doodle has extremely cute appearance make these dogs highly sought after. It’s easy to see why. One peek at a Double Doodle puppy and you’ll be desperate to take him home and love him forever. Seriously, Double Doodles are that irresistible.

If you are looking to get a Double Doodle puppy for your family or want to adopt a Double Doodle from a shelter, read on. It’s important to learn everything that you can about the breed’s unique behaviour, requirements, and quirks. After all, not all dogs are suited to every home. Choosing a dog to become part of your family is a major decision that should not be taken lightly. So, if you want to make sure that a Double Doodle really is the right match for you, you’ve come to the right place. Keep your eyes glued to this page and scroll away. All is about to be revealed.

The Double Doodle is a hybrid of three great breeds; the Labrador retriever, Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle.


The Double Doodle is an offshoot of the growing popularity in designer or hybrid dogs that first surfaced back in the 1970s and ‘80s. The goal of creating a hybrid is to introduce special attributes associated with certain breeds, but often in a smaller format dog. Additionally, breeders wanted to produce dogs that would boast the traits of their purebred parents, just with a lower risk of breed-specific health issues. As a result, the Double Doodle offers the gentle nature of both the Labrador and Golden Retrievers. These are both 19th century water dogs known for helping hunters retrieve waterfowl. As an added bonus, the Double Doodle also boasts a coat with the hypoallergenic and low shed properties of the Standard Poodle (a gorgeous pooch that dates back to 15th century Europe and was also used for duck hunting). That’s an extraordinary lineage and one that leads to a remarkably lovable pup perfect for almost any home. The Double Doodle combines only the best of the best of doggie genes and the results speak for themselves.

Of course, while we do know a lot about the origin and history of all three of Double Doodle’s parental breeds, the hybrid itself has mysterious roots. Apart from the general consensus that this crossbreed was developed during the heights of the designer dog craze, there are no breeders that claim Double Doodle breed is their brainchild. So we can’t know for sure where or when exactly these mixed breed dogs came to be. Unfortunately, there simply wasn’t enough documentation kept about these designer dog breeds to be certain of their origin. It’s such a specific creation that we can be certain that these dogs didn’t come into existence by accident. Obviously these dogs were created by some creative and clever breeders. We just can’t be certain of who delivered this dog first. Yet, even if we don’t quite know where the Double Doodle came from, at least we can all agree on the remarkable results of this breeding experiment. A true masterpiece of selective doggo breeding.



The Double Doodle is a mixed breed dog with three famous purebred dogs in his lineage: the Poodle, the Labrador Retriever, and the Golden Retriever. In most cases, this unique combination is achieved by breeding a Goldendoodle to a Labradoodle. His parents are also hybrid breeds (the Goldendoodle is a Golden Retriever and Poodle mix, while the Labradoodle brings together Poodle and Labrador Retrievers). So, that’s a lots of Doodles, y’all! Enough Doodles to satisfy even though most Doodle-crazy dog owner out there. While there might not be such a thing as too much Doodle, this remarkable pooch comes close to breaking the Doodle barrier.

Clearly, the Double Doodle is no purebred and this means he will never make the coveted American Kennel Club’s (AKC) roster (they are pure bred elitists, after all). However, the impressive lineage of this crossbreed makes him a coveted pup, despite his mixed breed status. People love Double Doodles too much to be put off by a lack of American Kennel Club classification. With responsible breeding practices, the unusual mix of two hybrid parental breeds results in a truly unique dog with some undeniably amazing traits. Even without official pedigree papers or ability to compete in official dog shows, the Double Doodle still mesmerizes pawrents all over the globe and with good reason. These are remarkable dogs and proof seeking out that pure bred status isn’t always the best way to ensure that you’re bringing the perfect pup into your home. Designer dogs are slowly becoming just as coveted as their purebred forbearers and the Double Doodle is definitive proof of the wonderful results that these breeding practices can produce.

Food / Diet

All dogs need a well-balanced diet that will meet all of their complex omnivore needs. Of course, while their essential needs remain largely the same, each dog is unique and will require a diet that reflects that. For instance, the average Double Doodle will do well on high-quality dry food for dogs that is suitable for his size and activity level (medium or large moderately active breeds). But that doesn’t mean that your Double Doodle will necessarily be the average Double Doodle. All dogs are different. So when in doubt, it’s always best to consult with your vet to find the ideal diet for your special and unique animal. That is why you have a vet, after all. No dog comes with a personalized instruction manual. They all have their own needs and should be treated accordingly. Your pup his special and his diet should be too.

The Double Doodle is considered a medium-to-large sized dog and will require 2 to 2.5 cups of a quality dry food each day. Don’t overfeed them or overindulge your pet with treats. Owing to his parentage, your sweet crossbreed will be a voracious eater with a tendency to snarf down his meals in mere seconds. To make sure they don’t end up obese or develop digestion issues, split their daily dose of food into two or more daily meals and stick to manufacturer’s recommendations for the portion size. Spreading out your Double Doodle’s diet and monitoring their portions will go a long way to ensuring that they stay healthy and happy. They may love you in the moment for letting them scarf down a week’s worth of food in a single sitting, but they won’t feel too great about that in the long run.

Since all three of the Double Doodle’s parental breeds can be prone to joint issues, your Double Doodle should be eating a food that includes glucosamine. Because of the Poodle DNA in your dog, he can be also prone to two digestive diseases when he hits middle age: pancreatitis and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. In other words, that’s a big “no” to high fat meals, treats, and table scraps. No matter how hard he begs. It’s for the best. His tummy won’t appreciate those types of treats nearly as much as his mouth!

The obedient Double Doodle is an intelligent dog who is quick to pick up on commands and will require few repetitions.


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to know that the obedient Double Doodle is a highly intelligent dog who is quick to pick up on commands and will likely require few repetitions. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that training will be an absolute breeze. He does need a strong pack leader, so establishing the family pecking order should be done when he is young. You must establish yourself in the alpha role of your relationship with a firm, yet gentle hand. Be confident, patient, decisive, and commanding in the training process – without coming off as overly threatening. With a good combination of these dominant traits, you can certainly achieve quick success with your pet. Fortunately, he is a keen-to-please type of dog who will respond well in both obedience and socialization training. So, once you establish yourself as the alpha in the relationship, everything else should come fairly easily and naturally after that. 

Your Double Doodle will crave your approval, so take advantage of that to reward all of the appropriate behavior that you crave from your pooch. As with most dogs, rewards-based training with lots of praise and the treats of your choice will get the results you are looking for. In other words, arm yourself with treats and plenty of patience, and you won’t miss out on success. But that’s not all – a firm authority with a gentle touch is the right approach to ensure that your Double Doodle’s training will go smoothly and peacefully, in addition to rewards. Negative reinforcement and excessive punishment is far closer to abuse than training. These techniques should be avoided at all costs. They are cruel to the dog and will rarely yield the results that you want.


The Double Doodle is considered a medium- to large-sized breed and when fully grown, he will weigh 30-70 pounds. This is, admittedly, quite a big difference between the minimum and maximum weight of a dog. The largest Double Doodles can be twice the size of the smallest in the litter! This is often the case with designer dog breeds. It can be difficult for the breeder to predict what size (and appearance) their puppies will be as there is no breed standard yet, so if you are getting a Double Doodle puppy, be prepared for a potential surprise, size and appearance wise.

Either way, both the medium and large size Double Doodles will feel most comfortable in a bigger apartment or a house, preferably with a fenced backyard where your pooch can play and get some much-needed activity. Double Doodles that are over 50 lbs won’t do well in tiny apartments, and any-size dog won’t thrive if they are cooped up inside for the whole day. Make sure that your pet, medium or large, gets the much-needed exercise outside, be it zoomies in the backyard or a walk to the park.

Of course, if your current living situation simply isn’t large enough to accommodate a dog of this size and energy levels, the Double Doodle simply won’t be happy with you. A smaller doggo is much better suited for smaller environments. 

Temperament / Behavior


The key to a loveable doggo is versatility – and wealth of character. They need to have a careful balance of all the positive traits that make up an excellent pooch attitude and temperament, and the Double Doodle has exactly what is needed to be a popular breed. The highly social and family oriented Double Doodle is known to be a loving and intelligent dog, making him a great mix with kids and other animals. While he will bark at strangers, his easy-going personality and tendency to not feel cautious around new faces make him a questionable watchdog. He is however highly trainable and adept at search-and-rescue, hunting, retrieving, and narcotics detection. So, while your Double Doodle will never exactly be a threatening guard dog, there are so many wonderful things that he could be trained to do. Or he could simply be a loving and obedient member of your family. That’s the most popular choice, because these pups are just so extraordinarily lovable.

Of course, the temperament and behavior of any dog will largely depend on its upbringing and the level of socialization. You can’t expect a dog to magically become the best version of itself, loved by all and loving everything. This will require some careful work by you as well, chiefly early socialization. The foundations of a good adult dog are laid down while they are still a puppy, so don’t hesitate to give it your best shot at bringing them up the right way. 

Common Health Problems

There is a common misconception that crossbreeds and hybrid, designer dog breeds are less likely to have health issues than their purebred counterparts. While there is some truth to this, it is wrong to think that this applies to virtually every hybrid breed out there. In general, hybrids are are often by-passed when it comes to the medical issues that plague their purebred parents. That said, potential owners should always take the time to learn more about health concerns typical of parent breeds. For the Double Doodle, you have three breeds contributing, which complicates things somewhat. Retrievers can be prone to hip or joint dysplasia and cataracts, while Poodles can suffer from bloat, digestive, and thyroid issues (both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid), as well as the same hip and joint issues that impact retrievers. There are quite a few things to look out for, so regular visits to the vet are highly recommended. Maintaining regularly scheduled checkups is so important because it ensures that any potential health issues are identified and treated as quickly as possible.

Of course, don’t forget that there is a lot that you can do to contribute to the overall wellbeing of your four-legged friend. Provide them with a healthy and balanced diet, maintain regular visits to the vet, and provide plenty of exercise. With these things in check, you can certainly count on your dog being at the prime of their health. 

Life Expectancy

The Double Doodle has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, but this is just a solid guess based on life expectancy of parental breeds – there’s not yet enough data about lifespan of Double Doodles to claim anything with certainty. Even if it’s just a ballpark, the life expectancy of these dogs is good, particularly considering their size, so you can be certain that your new puppy will be your bestie for a good chunk of your life. This is, of course, provided that you make sure that they have the best possible care: optimal balance of a complete, healthy diet and exercise, regular vet checkups, and meeting their essential needs such as socialization and mental stimulation.

Exercise Requirements

The parental breeds of Double Doodles are both fairly energetic and athletic animals. And this trait certainly passes down to their offspring. The Double Doodle is an active dog that will need daily long walks to help him burn off some of his excess energy as well as ensuring that he remains physically and mentally healthy. Active playtime with kids and other dogs will help him satisfy his need for social interaction and provide variety to his exercise regimen. So, this is not an ideal dog for anyone who can’t commit to keeping the Double Doodle well exercised and entertained. They need quite a bit of activity and stimulation to be content. Take this responsibility seriously. 

A great advantage to any owner would certainly be a fenced-in yard, and a family setting as well. Double Doodles won’t do well in tiny environments where there simply is no place for stretching, running, or playing. On days when going out simply is not possible (due to the weather for example), you should provide your pet with some great dog toys to keep them stimulated and entertained. These can be interactive dog puzzles, chew toys, squeakers, or anything in between. 

The highly social, family-oriented Double Doodle is known to be a loving and intelligent dog.

Recognized Clubs

Also known as the Double Doodlepoo, the North American Retriever and the Golden Labradoodle. Although he comes from pure-bred stock your Double Doodle is not a purebred dog so will not be considered by the AKC. It’s just how it is for most newer designer dog breeds. The breed is however recognized by the Dog Registry of America, Inc. (DRA).


The Double Doodles coat tends to be long, a little wiry, and defiantly curly. His coat can range from the usual cream, golden and white found with Poodles and Goldens to the black one would expect with a Labrador retriever. Although he sheds minimally and is considered low maintenance, he will require weekly brushing and periodic grooming by a professional to keep his coat looking its best.

One of the main reasons why ‘doodle’ mixes came to be is the fact that their coats tend to be low shedding or hypoallergenic. With Double Doodle, that can be the case but it’s not guaranteed – the type of coat will vary with each litter and with individual genetics (for some, the Poodle might be dominant, which bodes well for the hypoallergenic aspects). Either way, even if not fully hypoallergenic, the coat of this breed is definitely on the low shedding end of the spectrum and will be mostly low maintenance.

Long, floppy ears can be prone to moisture, wax build-up, and subsequently infection. So a weekly ear inspection and cleaning should become part of his regular maintenance routine. There’s plenty of work to be done here, but it’s all important. So you’ll adjust.


Double Doodle pups are deemed highly intelligent from the get-go, so early training is encouraged as well as establishing yourself as the “ pack leader”. During your puppy’s first six months. he will grow very quickly. So, it’s important that you get him on the right diet to meet his changing nutritional needs. Your breeder should be able to help you in this regard (or you could always consult with your vet). Be careful not to overfeed him and ensure that he is regularly exercised, but remember that his little legs and joints can become injured if they are over-exerted. So take it easy too. A gentle touch is important to ensure that your Double Doodle pup grows up healthy and happy.

A crucial part of rearing any puppy, Double Doodle included, is making sure that they are socialized properly. This means that you should expose your puppy to new people and other animals while they are still young and adaptable – the more they experience as a puppy, the better adjusted they will be when they grow into an adult dog. Timely socialization can prevent a myriad of behavioral issues down the road, from aggression towards other dogs, prey drive, to nippiness and anxiety around strangers.

Photo credit: SusanFeldberg/Bigstock; kvd design/Bigstock; eriklam/Bigstock



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