Double Peanut Dog Treat Recipe

Published A Few Days Ago

What’s better than peanut butter dog treats? How about… some more peanuts! For our Double Peanut Dog Treat Recipe, we’ve added a few crushed peanuts to give it some more lip-smacking flavor. After you bake a batch of these treats, your home will smell tantalizing. But keep those pesky humans away from these cookies – these treats are for pooches only! Another bonus: these treats are chewy, making them perfect for dogs who need a softer biscuit to bite down on.

Double Peanut Dog Treat Recipe


Makes 20-25 cookies


1 cup flour (any type)

1/2 cup chopped peanuts

3/4 cup peanut butter

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 egg




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