Eco-Friendly Natural Memorials Allow a Pet’s Memory to Live Forever

Published A Few Days Ago

Losing a pet is never easy. What to do after he’s gone is a difficult choice – a Florida service offers a special and environmentally friendly way to honor your pet.

When we lose our beloved pet, we are often at a loss with what to do after…do we bury, and if so, where? Do we cremate, and if so, what do with the remains? It’s hard enough to be without our pet, but those lingering decisions seem to hurt just as much.

One company out of Ft. Myers, Florida hopes to help ease the heartache that comes when we lose our fur-family members by offering an eco-friendly option for the remains of our pets when they’ve passed on. They’ve created Eden–where pet remains now help create life, from the ashes.

Related:Top 5 Things Not To Say When A Friend’s Pet Dies (And What You Should Say Instead)

Eden is a 93 acre property that is unlike any other. Not a sad cemetery, but a wildlife area where natural memorials exist. Peaceful paths and benches surround the property, allowing you to enjoy the circle of life, as many of the trees planted are from the biodegradable urns that hold the remains of beloved pets. The urns are planted and then, depending on the season, a pink Trumpet, Flamboyant, Crepe Myrtle, Geiger or Frangipani tree will be planted as a forever memorial of your pet.


Related:10 Ways To Honor Your Pet’s Memory

The folks at Eden will organize a tree ceremony so that the family of the pet may attend, but this is a service that anyone, anywhere can use as they provide a shipping service and updated pictures of the tree as it grows and blooms. If you are in the area, you are invited to come and visit your pet’s memorial whenever you want during opening hours, and enjoy peaceful surroundings as you remember your cherished pet. Eden also additionally offers a pyrography memorial that can have your pet’s name under their tree, as well as membership services, paintings of your pet and other memorials. If you are interested in Eden’s services, you can learn more at Eden, Your Pets Forever.



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