French Pomerbull

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French Pomerbull Basics

Small, sweet, and sassy, the French Pomberbull really takes the prize as being one of the most adorable hybrid breeds around. These goofy and cute balls of fluff will capture your heart without a doubt. Mixing two unique breeds with equally fun and outgoing characters, the French Pomerbull is full of positive traits that will leave you charmed!

Intelligent, funny, and inquisitive, these hybrid doggos will captivate you with both their behavior and their adorable looks. They are ideal as loving family pets, as they are great around children and will always be there to regale you with their mischievous antics. But don’t fail at pawrenting: you’ll need a firm hand when training your French Pomerbull, as they can be willful and stubborn. Don’t be surprised when they want to have it their way!

Small, sweet, and sassy, the French Pomberbull really takes the prize as being one of the most adorable hybrid breeds around.


Most unique designer dog breeds have hazy origins. No one can exactly pinpoint the time of their emergence, as it is possible that many cross-breeders across the world attempted the mix at different eras. However, there is no doubt that the French Pomerbull was created in the last 30 years, especially after the designer dog craze that emerged in the 1980s. Ever since, the mix of the French Bulldogs and Pomeranians was frequently spotted, captivating the hearts of all who met them. Some also call them French Pomerdog or the Pom Frenchie.


As this is a relatively new hybrid breed, the specific result of the mix between the French Bulldog and the Pomeranian can be unpredictable. Breeders often have no idea what a litter will look like! To that end, it is always best to find a reputable dog breeder, since the looks of the French Pomerbull are getting more uniform with each new litter.

Still, there are some general features that are always there. The size is almost always the same, as is the shape of the snout and the ears. The coat of the French Pom can range from low to extra shaggy, and the colors range from cream to black – just like with the parent breeds.

Food / Diet

More often than not, no two dogs will have the same dietary requirements. When hybrid breeds are considered, the usual diet requirements are established on a “per dog” basis. Still, some general rules apply, and the usual best choice is a complete and balanced diet. Most owners opt for kibble, which is fine, but be sure to get a formula tailored to the needs of small breed dogs with moderate activity levels. Of course, it is always best to talk with your vet first, as they can recommend the ideal diet for your pet, as well as the supplements that they should be taking.

But one of the most important aspects of a French Pomerbull diet is measuring. You should take great care not to overfeed these doggos, since obesity is always just a step away for them. Their build makes them prone to excess weight, and this can lead to a ton of problems down the road.

Intelligent, funny, and inquisitive, these hybrid doggos will captivate you with both their behavior and their adorable looks.


You’d be surprised at the intelligence of these small doggos – those curious eyes don’t miss a thing. To that end, it is logical that the French Pomerbull is fairly easy to train. But don’t think that you’ll pass this without a challenge! No matter how smart, these dogs are often stubborn and easily distracted. Training should be started early on, but arm yourself with patience and plenty of treats. Positive reinforcement will work like a charm on the French Pomerbulls: each good deed and successfully fulfilled command should be rewarded with a treat. It’s a great incentive for further obedience. However, don’t resort to punishment: this can drive your pet apart from you, and cause a lot of issues.

Of course, as it goes with all dogs, you should start the training quite early on. These dogs will soak all those commands when they are just puppies, making your tasks much easier. But if you attempt to train them in adulthood, be prepared for a lot of extra work!


The French Pomerbull is a small-sized breed, just like its parent breeds. When weight is considered, they are unlikely to weigh more than 10 to 16 pounds on average. Add to that an average height of 8 to 14 inches, and you get a robust, but small dog. This weight, however, will have to be maintained within optimal limits: it is a crucial aspect of good health. Fail to maintain it, and you might end up with a chubby pupper! A chubby dog is cute at first, but this can quickly lead to obesity and much worse issues. To prevent this, you will need to offer plenty of regular exercise and physical activities. Don’t neglect frequent walks and playing in the park.

That extra weight is a well-known issue with Frenchies, and it clearly transfers over to this crossbreed. If your doggo becomes a bit overweight, they can quickly develop issues with their joints and hips. Since these are small dogs with usually short legs, all that extra weight and pressure will become unbearable.

Temperament / Behavior

In general, these dogs are full of energy and have a happy-go-lucky attitude. They have great personalities and will love playing with other dogs, with children, and strangers. This makes them ideal family pets – even though they won’t be all that protective. In general, the French Pomerbull is a relaxed, smart, and calm dog, with a ton of affection that only waits to emerge. In time, they can create strong bonds with their owners. Still, these puppers could be a bit willful on occasion, as only small breeds can be. A bit of gentle persuasion – or straight out treat bribery – might be needed from time to time.

Of course, the main foundation for this great personality is socialization. You will need to work on this, and early on. Introduce your pet to new and exciting environments, where they can socialize with new and friendly dogs, kind strangers, and playful children. This sets your pet on a healthy and friendly path towards bright and positive adulthood. Fail to do this, and they might grow up to exhibit some negative traits, such as aggression, anxiety, and despondency.

Common Health Problems

The health of the French Pomerbull designer breed can be surprisingly robust and good. But no dog is exempt from health issues along the way! Of course, these doggos are no exception, and they can inherit a lot of the issues that their parent breeds suffer from. And since many of these issues are inherent, the breeders often cannot predict if a puppy will have them. Still, to make the chance minimal, you should find your pet only at a reputable breeder.

One of the more common health problems is the so-called brachycephalic syndrome. This can be inherited from the Frenchie side of the parentage, as these little doggos have the iconic short muzzles. The Pomeranians do not, but the mix between the two usually produces brachycephalic features. Due to this, you should avoid overexertion and extremely hot environments. Some eye problems can be inherited from Frenchies as well, such as itchiness and gunk. Also possible is hip dysplasia, a genetic issue that affects the hip joints of a dog. This can be quite a debilitating issue but can be kept under control with dedicated veterinary care.

Life Expectancy

When considering the life expectancies of its parent breeds, the average lifespan for a French Pomerbull tops out at between 10 and 15 years. Just don’t forget that one of the prerequisites for this full lifespan is dedicated owner’s care. Your pet will need your help along the way: regular veterinary care, a healthy diet, and plenty of exercise are the essential ingredients of a long canine life.

Exercise Requirements

Both parent breeds, the Pomeranians and the Frenchies are moderately small and full of that unmistakable spunk. These breeds can be full of energy and inquisitiveness, and that certainly transfers over to their mix, the French Pomerbull. High energy in this crossbreed means a high need for exercise. Frequent walks, lots of energetic playtime in the park, and plenty of free space at home are all important for these tiny puppers. Establish a healthy daily routine to cover all of these important needs. Of course, if you neglect their exercise needs, you might end up with a doggo’s temper tantrum. Increased anxiety and boredom, as well as all that pent-up energy, might result in some torn-up furniture, newspapers, and slippers. But if not remedied, this can grow over into something even worse, like aggression and apathy.

As far as free space is considered, the French Pomerbull won’t need a lot. It’s important that your doggo has a chance to play and spend their energy both outside the home and inside it. Remember, a dog that spends its energy efficiently will be much easier to handle.

French Pomerbulls might be small but they have a lot of energy and that unmistakable spunk – don’t neglect their need for exercise!

Recognized Clubs

As the French Pomerbull is a relatively new hybrid breed, it is sadly not listed on the American Kennel Club lists. Neither is it listed on the American Canine Hybrid Club registry, the World Wide Designer Breed Registry, or the Designer Dogs Kennel Club. Still, there is a lot of time for this unique breed, as its popularity is still on the rise.


When it comes to grooming and shedding, the French Pomerbull is all about moderation. They do inherit some of the shagginess of the Pomeranians, but even so – their coats are not too long. This means that they will shed only a little, and a casual routine of a few weekly light brushings will be enough to rid you of any loose hairs.

And when bathing is considered, you should take care not to overdo it. Frequent bathing can dry out your French Pom’s skin, and that can result in itchiness, excess scratching, and some dermatological issues. But when you do give them a bath, make sure that you are using a shampoo that can help retain your dog’s natural hair oils within the coat.


You should not be surprised to find out that French Pomerbull puppies might require some extra work! In the earliest stages, they will look like irresistibly cute little fluff-balls, but as they begin growing up, you will have to start with training. Early on, avoid extra attention and crowded places, in order to prevent your puppy from becoming stressed out or possibly hurt. But as soon as the formation of their character begins, you should not skimp on socialization.

For puppies of all dog breeds, socialization forms a crucial part of growing up. It helps dogs become sociable, friendly, affectionate, and playful. And without it, of course, a whole string of negative traits can occur. A French Pomerbull could become overly anxious, aggressive, or even aloof. What is more, if they aren’t socialized properly, these doggos might bear the brunt of the so-called “small dog syndrome”, which includes over-protectiveness and frequent lashing out. But once surrounded with positive dogs and people, and showered with affection, these charming dogs can become their true, adorable, selves!

Photo credit: Ger Pouwels/Shutterstock



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