Hear Doggy! Martian Dog Toy Contest

Published A Few Days Ago

A few weeks back, we reviewed the Hear Doggy! Martian Dog Toy. We loved how cute and quiet they are, and really wanted to share these awesome toys with you. And that’s why we’re giving away a pair to one lucky dog in our very first dog toy contest!

From Friday, August 2 to Friday, August 9, 2013, you can win two Hear Doggy Martian Dog Toys for your pooch. And it’s super easy to win – all you have to do is “like” our Facebook page. How simple is that?! And if you’re already a fan of our Facebook page, you’re already entered. Now that’s pretty sweet!

So if you don’t already like us on Facebook, what are you waiting for? Just click on this Facebook link, like us, and bam – you’re entered into the running for these two adorbs Hear Doggy! Martians. We’ll choose a random winner on Friday, August 9 at 3 pm EST. In the event that they don’t get back to us within 24 hours, we go on to the next person. Please note that this contest is only available to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

We’re very excited about our first contest and hope that you’ll be taking part. This is going to be an ongoing thing with us, so check back often for lots of wonderful goodies that could be yours!

Good luck… and don’t forget to like us!



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