Hilarity Ensues When This Dog Helps Forecast The Weather [Video]

Published A Few Days Ago

We think it’s pretty safe to say that Ripple stole the show on this particular newscast.

Weather man Mike Sobel had no idea what he was in for when he decided to have a special guest help him out with the local weather forecast last week.

That ‘special guest’ just happened to be one of the furry, four-legged variety: a one-and-a-half-year-old German Shepherd/Mastiff mix named Ripple, to be exact.

And Ripple, who is up for adoption at the Edmonton Humane Society in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, did what any young pup does best: played to his heart’s content! (On-air manners be darned.)

At first, Sobel tries to get through the forecast in a somewhat serious manner, but Ripple was having none of that. “C’mooooon, LET’S PLAY!,” he seemed to be saying as he hounded Sobel throughout the segment.

Eventually, Sobel gives in to Ripple’s playful nudging, but not before Ripple chews through his leash in the process!

Watch the video below to witness Ripple’s adorable antics, and be prepared to smile.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering? Ripple’s still looking for his forever home, so go check out his adoption profile on the Edmonton Humane Society website. Let’s give this pooch the happy ending he deserves!



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