Holland Lop

Published A Few Days Ago
fast facts

About Holland Lop

2-4 lb
7-14 years
Body Shape
Best Suited For
Rabbits for Singles, Apartment Rabbits, House Rabbits, Families with children, First-time owners, Indoor/Outdoor enclosure
Curious, energetic, sweet
Comparable Breeds
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit, French Lop
Top Breed

Holland Lop Breed History/Origin

Not all rabbit breeds made it into this world naturally. Some were created with the help of careful breeders who wanted to ensure that their clients got the best bunnies that money could buy. The Holland Lop got its start in the 1950s in Netherlands. A Dutch breeder Adriann de Cock wanted to combine the qualities of a French Lop and a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit. These are two very different breeds, so it was an intriguing mix to say the least. Sadly, The resulting litter of six bunnies was unsuccessful. This was because their ears were erect and did not have the loping effect of the Holland Lop we know and love today. In 1952, de Cock took a doe from that litter of six and bred her with an English Lop buck. After a few hits and misses of breeding from these litters, de Cock successfully bred a Holland Lop with the French Lop’s characteristic floppy ears. The rest, as they say, is history - we got the wonderful rabbit breed that many love and cherish. 

This breed was recognized by Netherlands’ Governing Rabbit Council in 1964 and by the American Rabbit Breeder’s Association by 1976. Ever since then, the whole world has enjoyed having the incredible Holland Lop in their lives. It’s also worth mentioning that there is a British relative and equivalent to the Holland Lop, the Miniature Lop, which is recognized by the British Rabbit Council (BRC). However, you should not confuse the two, as the British variant tends to be smaller in size. For now, we will focus on the Holland Lop, as we uncover all its traits and characteristics, and find out just what makes them so great. 

The Holland Lop is a dwarf rabbit, which means it should weigh about 4 lbs. once fully grown.

Overall Description

The Holland Lop is a dwarf rabbit, which means that it should weigh about 4 lbs. once fully grown. They have a wide, yet short body. This consequently gives these rabbits a compact body shape. Not to mention the cuteness that inevitably comes from such a diminutive stature! These bunnies pose similarly to a cat, resting mostly on their hind legs and only slightly on their two front feet. The Holland Lop’s head is broad with a distinct puff of fur at the back that has become known as the “crown”. The crown should be thick and wide and raised above the head. It is one of their distinctive, “trademark” symbols, and all Holland Lops are easily recognizable by this crown. 

While their stocky body and fluffy round head would have been more than enough to make these bunnies cute, it’s their floppy ears that make this breed district and endlessly lovable. Without a doubt, the Holland Lop’s most famous feature is their large fur-covered ears which fall on either side of the head. The ears are well-furred and thick and they are in the shape of a teaspoon (rounded tips and wider at the bottom). The slack ears that frame their adorable faces only add to the appeal these bunnies have for prospective owners. These rabbits were bred to be as adorable as possible, so you can expect them to worm their way into your heart at first site. Either way, it is hard to resist their endlessly charming looks! 

The Holland Lop is one of the most popular rabbit breeds, both in the United States and around the world. And it’s not merely their lovely appearance that charms people! Easy-going, sweet, and friendly, the Holland Lop will win you over with its wonderful personality. These bunnies will love you right back and bring joy to any home. That’s certainly not true of any breed of rabbit and it is what has kept this particular breed so beloved for generations. Needless to say, they make wonderful pets – both for solo owners, and for families. Treat them right, and they can become a full-fledged family member, bringing joy to any environment and every occasion. 



The Holland Lop’s coat is of the rollback variety. It is dense and medium in length. This smooth and glossy coat does not require much grooming to keep it in good condition – just a bit of regular brushing and light maintenance will be necessary to keep things tidy and healthy. So in addition to being adorable and lovable, the Holland Lop is a low-maintenance rabbit breed. No wonder children everywhere go so ga-ga for these things! 

As a rule of thumb, a weekly or bi-weekly grooming session should suffice. Simply brush your bunny with a slicker brush or a fur splitter (aka a wide toothed comb) to keep their coat tangle-free and lustrous. Of course, the purpose of coat grooming is not merely to maintain your rabbit’s beautiful appearance. Rabbits are avid groomers, and as a result will ingest a lot of their own hair. Unfortunately, all of that fur munching might lead to deadly intestinal blockage in your little friend. So the goal of brushing this bunny is to minimize the amount of loose hair your pet will ingest. Never forget to do this, and try to establish a regular routine – it doesn’t take much to keep their coat spic and span! 

Hair brushing is particularly important during the molting season. At the change of seasons, you may notice your rabbit will begin to shed a little more than usual. During these heavy-shedding periods, you will need to brush your bunny a few times a day. It may seem like your little bunny won’t need those extra brushing sessions, but trust us, this is so important. Not only does it keep them safe and tidy (and minimizes that hair munching habit), but it also keeps your furniture and home clean as well. 

On the flip side, bathing is never recommended for rabbits. They aren’t remotely fond of being bathed and it can cause significant stress. That’s the last thing you want for your pet. If your Holland Lop gets dirty, simply use a moistened cotton ball to clean their fur. It might take longer to clean your pet this way, but will be so much better for the bunny in the long run. Luckily, bunnies are not generally smelly or unhygienic creatures, so even though they don’t bathe, they won’t be overly dirty or stinky.


This breed of rabbit is recognized in a variety of colors and groups. They are divided up into two classifications: solid (one color only) and broken (which contain patches of one or two other colors). Some (of the many) examples include chestnut agouti, chinchilla, chocolate and opal in the “Agouti” group; tortoise, seal, smoke pearl and sable points in the “Shaded” group; and cream, fawn, frosty, orange, tricolor, and red in the “Wide Band” group. The impressive variety of coat colors within this breed only adds to the appeal and popularity of these bunnies. Cuteness is guaranteed with a Holland Lop, and in no less than 15 different colors and color combinations! The possibilities are almost endless. And this only means that every owner will find a Holland Lop to their liking! 

The Holland Lop is recognized in a variety of colors and groups.

Care Requirements

To keep a Holland Lop happy and healthy does not require much time or effort. In comparison to a dog or cat, rabbits are much less demanding pets. Their diet and a good ratio of indoor to outdoor time are two of the most important aspects of their care. So take special care with those aspects. With just a little care, these tiny fluff balls will be quite content in their own little world. 

The first thing you should do is provide proper rabbit housing. A Holland Lop might be a small bunny, but they’ll still need plenty of room to feel happy and stay healthy in your care. The majority of bunny owners keep their pets indoors since they are family pets. That also tends to be the case with the Holland Lop. If you are the sort of rabbit owner who likes to let their bunny hop freely around your house, you will need to rabbit-proof your home. Make sure that there are no wires, chords, or other unsafe objects on the floor that your bunny could chew on. Don’t underestimate their little chompers – rabbits are avid chewers and can make short work of tough wires, plastic elements, and wood furniture. You can also invest in special pet barriers that will prevent them from wandering into rooms where they shouldn’t be in. They should also have their own private litter and a cage to retreat to when they feel like it. 

An indoor Holland Lop’s enclosure should have sides made of strong wire to prevent them from chewing through the cage. However, they should never have a cage with a wire bottom. Cages and hutches with wire bottoms will hurt your pet’s feet and lead to sore hocks. So, always make sure that they are only hopping on soft and comfy bedding instead. Pet owners will need to spot-clean the bedding every day to rid it of feces and replace the entire bedding every week. A bit of an annoyance sure, but one that will make your bunny’s life so much more pleasant. 

An indoor Holland Lop’s enclosure should have sides made of strong wire to prevent them from chewing through the cage. However, they should never have a cage with a wire bottom. Cages and hutches with wire bottoms will hurt your pet’s feet and lead to sore hocks. So, always make sure that they are only hopping on soft and comfy bedding instead. Pet owners will need to spot-clean the bedding every day to rid it of feces and replace the entire bedding every week. A bit of an annoyance sure, but one that will make your bunny’s life so much more pleasant.

The cage should also be large enough for your rabbit to stretch out comfortably. This shouldn’t be difficult since the Holland Lop is relatively small. The minimum cage size is 24×60 inches, but a bigger cage would be even better. Of course, no matter how spacious the cage is, your pet will need a lot of out-of-cage time to exercise and be content. In addition to playtime in a rabbit-proofed space, you can always take your Holland Lop for some outdoor fun. Let them hop and play in a safely enclosed part of the garden or yard. With your supervision, of course.

Remember that no pet should be confined to small spaces for long periods of time, rabbits included. Even though small, these bunnies will need a bit of space to rest, relax, and stretch. If they are cooped up in a cramped cage, they can become depressed, lose appetite, and become seriously ill as well. Don’t disregard their comforts. 

As for you rabbit’s diet, it should consist of 70 percent high-quality hay and the rest should be a balanced mixture of fruits, vegetables, pellets, and leafy greens. You may find that your rabbit prefers one type of fruit to another (like apples, for instance). While it’s great that your hopper has found a delicious fruit he loves to nibble on, perhaps you can use his love for this fruit as an advantage and use it only during training as a treats. This trick can be used for your animal in order to train them to do simple commands such as heeling or hopping or even for more complex tasks such as litter training. Either way, do not neglect your pet’s diet. It is the foremost part of their health, and it should always be of the best quality for them. Of course, if you are ever doubting what type of food your rabbit should have, always take the advice of your veterinarian. They can tell you the best foods and the essential nutrients your pet should have. 

Another important part of caring for your Holland Lop is exercise. In their wild habitat, rabbits can run for up to three miles per day. This need has to be fulfilled in their household environment as well. Not only does this keep them entertained and active, but it also benefits their health in the long run. It limits the chance of obesity, lethargy, and sore hocks. To that end, Holland Lops should have at least three hours of free range time per day. It is ideal if you have a fenced in yard for this, but if not, a park with a safe area should do fine. If you need some extra control over your bunny’s movements, try a specialized rabbit leash or a small pen that will keep them safe. A bunny can largely depend on exercise and fun daily activities. They are quite intelligent animals, and thus inquisitive and goofy. Don’t fail to provide some mental stimulation for them during the day. This can be in the form of some simple play, teaching tricks, or through special rabbit puzzle toys that can really give them a bit of a challenge to solve. Bunnies love it! 


Fortunately, the Holland Lop is not susceptible to any hereditary health issues, but taking proper care of your rabbit will make their life (and your veterinary bills) so much better in the long run. Make sure that you regularly check their mouth for overgrown teeth, which can grow into their jaws and mouths and become extremely painful. A diet high in hay will make sure this does not happen, as the hay will naturally file down your rabbit’s ever-growing teeth.

Spaying and neutering can be done at a young age in a rabbit’s life. Your bunny does not need to be older than six months before they can be safely spayed (some veterinarians will perform the procedure at four months, but most would rather wait until six months). Bucks, on the other hand, can be neutered at as young as three months old and it is commonly known that neutered bucks make for less aggressive companions (although admittedly Holland Lops are not known to be aggressive at all, so neutering the buck may not do much). Neutering can also help with that nasty marking of territory through urine, which bucks are known to do.

Like all rabbit breeds, the Holland Lop is also prone to some health problems that can appear during their life. Otitis is an important example here. It is a condition that appears with almost all lop-eared rabbits. This is an ear infection that makes the ear canal inflamed. It is caused when ear wax builds up in the extra fold of the rabbit’s outer ear. This in turn creates a bacterial or yeast infection, causing itching and discomfort. There can be swelling, repeated head-tilting, weight loss, and – if the condition is left untreated – paralysis and seizures. Antibiotics and timely care can deal with this problem.

Another issue that can appear are parasites. This is a common occurrence amongst all rabbit breeds. In particular, the Cheyletiella Mites can be seen, as they cause itching and hair loss. Luckily, these and other parasites can be easily treated with anti-mite products, such as spot-on treatments and injections.

Nevertheless, these rabbits can have considerably long lifespans if they are cared for properly. On average, Holland Lops can live between 7 and 14 years! That is quite remarkable for such tiny animals. Once you form a lasting bond and devote plenty of care to your pet, you are bound to have a loving furry friend by your side for a good number of years. This makes them great companion pets. Together, you are bound to form a loving bond, and to create some lasting memories over the years. 

Holland Lops pose similarly to a cat, resting mostly on their hind legs and only slightly on their two front ones.


In order to really allow your Holland Lops’s personality to bloom, it is important to give them plenty of time out of their enclosures/hutches. Indoor rabbits should be let out of their cages with access to roam around at least in one particular room, if not your entire home. This will allow them to stretch out their legs, get some sunshine ,and most of all, interact with their favorite humans. These little guys make for wonderful first pets whether it is for a single person, a couple, or a family with younger or older children.

The Holland Lop is a relatively active bunny and would also love to spend some time outdoors when the temperatures are just right. Fenced yards are wonderful, but if you have an open yard, investing in an exercise pen should definitely be a priority. This will give your rabbit a little bit of freedom without doesn’t allowing them roam around into your neighbor’s property. Bunnies might seem more manageable than dogs or cats on paper, but when they get excited they will get away from you rather quickly and get up to all sorts of mischief. You may well have a regular Bugs Bunny on your hands and need to keep that little scamp under control accordingly.

These rabbits can be quite a joy to have around, and can have the characteristics of every loving household pet. They will enjoy some quiet cuddly time, so don’t be surprised when they hop on into your lap for some relaxation, snoozing, or simple bonding. Still, you should respect the personal space of your pet rabbit. If it feels in any way threatened or annoyed, this little fur ball won’t hesitate to get nippy and bite. Of course, this won’t be a serious chomp, but just a little warning nibble that’s meant to show you that annoyances won’t be tolerated.

In terms of toys, each rabbit has their own personality and may enjoy some toys to chew up and entertain themselves with. It may be as simple as a toilet paper roll to destroy or as elaborate as a mental pet toy from your local pet store. The only way to know for sure is to give your bunny some options and see what they prefer. You can’t force a bunny to play, you can only control how they play and how much trouble they will get into. But don’t let any potential trouble-making get in between you and the bunny of your dreams. The Holland Lop is a beautiful bunny and a wonderful pet suitable for any home. So if this article has piqued your interest in any way, run to your nearest pet store and see if they have a Holland Lop in stock. The pet of your dreams just might be a quick drive away. So get out there and find your personal Roger Rabbit today!

Photo credit: elenathewise/Bigstock; naruden/Bigstock; pakkij/Bigstock



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