Japanese Cool Cats Wear Hats Made From Their Own Fur

Published A Few Days Ago

Just when you thought you’d need to buy stock in lint rollers, a new trend of making hats for cats out of their own hair may have you rethinking the value of that fluffy fur!

Japanese couple Ryo Yamazaki and his wife Hiromi like cats. And they like their hair. Really like it.

So much so that they’ve taken up making hats for cats…and they are hats made from the hair of cats themselves! (Yes, we know, even Dr. Seuss is having fun with that one!)

Related:We’re Onboard with Japan’s First Cat Cafe On a Train!

「ねこ休み展 冬 2018」始まるよ〜📢 ヌケゲパンダのマルマル🐼もいるよ〜🎋 外が寒過ぎるので暖かい格好で来てね〜♨️ お待ちしてます🙇🏻‍♂️ #ヌケゲジャイアントパンダ #ねこ休み展#ねこ休み展冬2018 #浅草橋 . On his debut,Nukege giant panda named “Maru-maru” melts your hearts at Neko-break Exhibition.🐼🎋 . #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり stagram sofinstagram #猫 #ねこ#猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #チームしろねこ #白猫 #しろねこ

A post shared by rojiman (@rojiman) on Jan 25, 2018 at 3:52pm PST

The pair has three Scottish Fold cats, and Hiromi uses their sheddings as the media for which adorable (though the cats may beg to differ!) hats for their cats, while Ryo photographs them and turns them into viral hilarity art. People can’t get enough of the cats wearing their hats, and already the pair has 80,000 followers looking for the latest fashions.

One of the more than 100 hats is wizard-inspired, while others look like rabbits. The cats are different colors, which means there are different shades of caps, and the couple says each hat takes about 15 minutes or so to make.

@umatan 母ちゃんに頼まれて朝から魚市場に🐟🦑 今日はサバとイカが仲良く水揚げされてました🙌🏻 #抜け毛魚市場 #ヌケゲサバ #ヌケゲダイオウイカ #イカは白より焦げ茶色の方が鮮度が高いそうです #豆知識 #サバトラ . I’m at fish market this morning 🐟🦑 . #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり stagram sofinstagram #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #白猫 #茶トラ

A post shared by rojiman (@rojiman) on Jan 22, 2018 at 3:56pm PST


Hiromi says they first were playing with sheddings in 2016 when they fashioned a cat-wig on one of their kittehs. Saying the cats didn’t mind (maybe they had concerns about baldness and were glad for the hair back?), they decided to play around with some designs.

「ねこ休み展inみなとみらい」本日無事に会期終了を迎えました🎊 昨年末から年明けにかけて大勢の方にご来場頂き、三兄弟を代表してニャア兄貴より感謝申し上げます🙇🏻‍♂️ 次回は1/26からの本祭「ねこ休み展 冬 2018」でお会いしましょう😼✨ #ねこ休み展 #ねこ休み展みなとみらい . Thank you so much to all of you for attending in Yokohama. See you next in 「Neko-break exhibition winter 2018」😼✨ #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり stagram sofinstagram #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ

A post shared by rojiman (@rojiman) on Jan 14, 2018 at 9:15am PST

Now, the fashionistas have inspired others to use the cat hair as hats, or to even use cat hair instead of sheep wool since you can felt it the same as you do with wood. Cat molt can be made into dolls or even embroidery for scarves, though felters should know that cat hair more brittle than wool, though.

猫猫しい我が家にシベリアンハスキーがやって来た想定🐺😳 #散歩は行かないそうです #抜けシベ . @kana_suco さん、年賀状用にどうぞ🙇🏻‍♂️ . A siberian husky is sleeping on my couch !🐺😳 . #いぬかぶり #戌年 #シベリアンハスキー #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり stagram sofinstagram #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ

A post shared by rojiman (@rojiman) on Jan 3, 2018 at 10:23pm PST

👵🏻「抜け毛と共にあらん事を🙏🏻」 明日のスターウォーズ公開に備えてフォースの覚醒を復習中🌌 #フォースの覚醒 #最後のジェダイ #スターウォーズ . 👵🏻「May the fur be with you🙏🏻」 . #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり stagram sofinstagram #猫 #ねこ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #白いすこちゃん同盟 #チームしろねこ #白猫 #しろねこ

A post shared by rojiman (@rojiman) on Dec 14, 2017 at 5:40am PST

Related:Cats Run Japanese IT Offices Like The Bosses They Are

They’ve started a trend, though, as Hideko Tsujii is a professional hat designer who uses her dog’s fur to felt hats and berets. She has an online shop, and mixes sheep’s wool with the hair to make sure that it’s felt-able. She believes that dogs are thrilled that their hair is used to warm their owner’s heads, as they are such human pleasers.

One client of Tsujii’s lost a Lucky, her dog of 17 years, in 2010, but had been collecting Lucky’s hair for five years and gave it to Tsujii to make a hat. She feels like she has Lucky by her side when she wears it.

Maybe the Yamazaki cats feel like they are more in tune with themselves when they are wearing their own fur on their head? Yeah. We’ll go with that!



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