Living the Full-Time RV Life With Cats

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Have cat, will travel. Imagine living full-time on the road in an RV with your cats. We talked to a couple that’s taking their kitties on a wonderful adventure.

Has it always been your dream to live a nomadic lifestyle that will take you to new places and new experiences every day? Well, with an RV, you can join the many people who are already living on the road full-time.

But what if you have cats? Can you take them with you? When we found Life Among Pines on Instagram, we couldn’t resist chatting with them to learn about how they’ve managed to transition to life in an RV with their cats and dogs.

First off, can you describe your pets for our readers?

Sam Binger:

What enticed you to live on the road full-time?

Sam Binger:

Related:7 Road-Trip Essentials That Make It Easier to Travel with Your Cat

In our college days, we were interested in the idea of being fully nomadic and living out of backpacks. However, we eventually realized that this would’ve been stressful on our pets, and international travel with them also would’ve proved difficult.

This led to our idea to travel via RV, where we’d all live together in a tiny home, while keeping our lifestyle of constant travel. We have all of our things with us everywhere we go, and we work out of our RV.

In my opinion, this is one of the most comfortable forms of travel. We’ve been living in our RV full-time for just over a year-and-a-half.

Did you jump right into full-time RV life, or did you gradually transition?

Sam Binger:

Did you have any concerns about taking the pets with you?

Sam Binger:

Related:This Traveling Cat Lives The Life You Wish You Could

Our only real concern was with the prospect of one of them getting lost and not knowing where to come home to. However, we’re extremely careful when outside with the dogs, and I’m happy to report that none of our pets have ever been lost. However, they’re all microchipped and armed with two forms of ID tags, just in case the worst were to happen.

Do your cats ever go outside?

Sam Binger:

We keep them from running out by training them to stay away from the open door. This sort of just happened over time, as we’d nudge them away from the door when we were about to open it. From there, they got into the habit of moving away from the door when we’re coming in and out. They aren’t escape artists, so I think their personalities have made it easier on us.

Would you say it’s a good idea to introduce an older cat to traveling in an RV?

Sam Binger:

Experts say that younger animals are more easily adaptable, but I think a cat of any age could eventually transition to RV life. It could just take a bit longer for an older cat to adapt and become totally comfortable.

Was it a stressful transition for your cats when they went into your RV for the first time?

Sam Binger:

We’d moved with them from an apartment to a house, and driven with them before, so we knew that they were generally relaxed. But their first time being in the rig while driving was the day we pulled out of our hometown. They were a bit stressed by the moving vehicle for the first day or two, but they quickly became totally at ease.

Do your cats ever get stressed now?

Sam Binger:

I did a lot of research about RV cats when we first started, and what I mostly read was that they’d be a little stressed in the beginning (as cats typically are with any given change), but they’d eventually come around.

It helps to establish places for them to go while riding. Our cats travel in their bed and under the passenger seat. When they hear the engine start, they head right to their bed, and they stay there until we’re done driving. Occasionally, they get up to use their litter box or drink water, but seem most comfortable staying put while we’re in motion.

How do you keep your cats healthy on the road?

Sam Binger:

How do you ensure you always have enough supplies, food, etc. on hand to keep your cats happy and healthy?

Sam Binger:

How do you handle emergencies or the need for vet visits?

Sam Binger:

For vet visits, our pets have Banfield Pet Hospital plans. They have several locations in almost every city, so we plan ahead to ensure we’ll be near a Banfield when our pets are in need of vaccines, check-ups, or other preventive care.

What advice can you give to pet parents who want to take their cats in an RV for a vacation, or even for full-time life on the road, but are reluctant or scared?

Sam Binger:

Only you know your cat best, so you know what they can tolerate. Some cats may hate it, but I have many friends who also travel with their cats and have found that they really seem to enjoy the lifestyle. You’ll never know unless you try, even if only for a shorter vacation.

Keep in mind that RVs are set up like regular homes, just on a smaller scale. Moving into an RV is much like moving into a new house with your pet. They’ll be unsure at first, but they’ll eventually come around. Anything you do with your pet at your house or apartment can be done with them in an RV. Try not to overthink it, and just go for a test drive if you’re really unsure.

Is there anything else you’d like to add that we haven’t already discussed?

Sam Binger:



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