Musk Lorikeet

Published A Few Days Ago
fast facts

About Musk Lorikeet

9 inches
15-25 years
Bird Species
Vocal, Natural calls, Moderately noisy, Chatterer, Mimics
Social, Smart, Energetic, Fun, Affectionate, Cuddly
Comparable Breeds
Sun Conure, Iris Lorikeet

Musk Lorikeet General Info

Get ready to meet one of the cutest and silliest birds in the world of pet parrots! These smart little lorikeets have charmed many pet owners all over the world and with good reason. Their friendly demeanor, as well as their love for tricks and cuddles, make the Muski Lorikeet a great pet. If you’re looking for a tiny and goofy exotic companion, then these adorable parrots, also known as Green Keets, are a perfect choice. Even though they’re so small they’ll fit into the palm of your hand, don’t be fooled: they have a big personality that transcends their petite stature.

Friendliness, cuddly behavior and a penchant for tricks make the Musk Lorikeet a great pet.


Native Region/Natural Habitat

These parrots inhabit a large part of the Australian continent, including New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, and Kangaroo and King Islands. Their extraordinary ability to adapt and thrive in places where other parrots can’t, led to the populations of Musk Lorikeet establishing themselves in Sydney, Perth, and Melbourne. These parrots avoid tall open forests, and usually thrive in Eucalyptus growths, sparse woodland, and riverside growth. One of the interesting facts about them is the strong bond that is created between two mates. Sometimes it lasts for a lifetime. They will also socialize in the wild, mingling with other similar species, like the Swift Parrot.

Overall Description

Musk Lorikeet exhibits a variety of unique traits that are easy to spot. These include the tiny beak, the small tapered tail, and their overall small size. The adults reach an average length of 9 inches (22 centimeters) and will weigh around 3 ounces (90 grams). Males and females are almost identical, the main difference being the slightly paler colors on the females. Only with close inspection can you tell the gender of your new pet.

Speech and Sounds

The silly nature of the Musk Lorikeet also influences their vocal skills. They can develop a moderate ability to mimic common sounds and they’ll repeat them in a hilarious way. Laughing sounds, beeps, tweets and a flurry of other similar tones will be a big part of the vocal repertoire of a Green Keet. But in general, they are not overly noisy and can be a good choice for the apartment dweller. In addition, their natural calls consist of a series of tweets and metallic chirps, none of which piercing or shrill. These parrots can also be very receptive to music, so expect some silly dances when their fave tune comes on the radio.



The parrots of Australia flaunt some of the most interesting colors and patterns in the avian world. The Musk Lorikeet is quite the representative, as well, with its bright colors and a unique mix of vibrant patches that give them a striking, memorable appearance. The body is almost entirely bright, tropical green. The shoulders have two small yellow patches, but the majority of the details is on the head. Musk Lorikeet have distinct red patches on the front of the head above the beak, and on the cheeks. The crown is blue. This colorful combination definitely makes these small lorikeets stand out!

The beauty of these birds is confirmed with their scientific name. Their Latin name is “concinna” – elegant.

Care and Feeding

In the wild, the Musk Lorikeet thrives on a varied diet. It mostly consists of distinct local seeds and flora – flowering Eucalyptus trees, Acacias, and fruit nectar. They are one of the “nectarivores” and the sugar-rich liquid makes the basis of their diet. Your pet should be given commercial nectar, which is usually marketed for all Lory breeds. In addition to the nectar, your new pet will need a lot of fresh fruits and some vegetables. This will balance things out and provide optimal nutrition. A proper diet is really important for your pet’s health and overall wellbeing.

Health and Common Conditions

Despite their size, the Musk Lorikeet is usually considered as a hardy and healthy bird with admirable adaptability and strength. Of course, as long as they get proper care and have optimal living conditions. When it comes to parrot care, the most important things to keep in mind are often the most obvious ones. Plenty of exercise, a healthy diet, and a lot of social interaction will keep a Musk Lorikeet healthy and happy.

The name Musk Lorikeet comes from a unique musky scent that these parrots have.

Personality & Behavior

Small and silly, the Musk Lorikeet is a fun companion to have. They are usually inquisitive and keen explorers, with a knack for all manner of tricks. They are also one of the rare exotic breeds that actually love to be handled, often flipping on their back and expecting cuddles and belly scratches. Owing to their adorable looks, lovely temperament and ease of care, these birds are a popular choice for singles and families, especially those that live in apartment buildings.

Photo credit: Susan Flashman/Shutterstock; Serguei Levykin/Shutterstock; Greg Brave/Shutterstock



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