Naturally Safe Mosquito Repellent For Dogs

Published A Few Days Ago

Scratch-free tips on keeps those pesky mosquitoes away from your dog

Though summer is a wonderful time to spend outdoors, there are certain drawbacks that come along with the nice weather. One of the most annoying parts of summer is the return of mosquitoes. You may not realize it because his body is protected by a thick coat of fur, but mosquitoes can be just as much a nuisance to your dog as they are to you. In addition to biting your dog, mosquitoes can also carry dangerous diseases, particularly heartworm. If you want to protect your dog from mosquitoes this summer, consider some of these dog-safe mosquito repellent products and tips.

Natural Lemon Mosquito


While you may be able to find commercial mosquito repellents that are marketed for dogs, there are always risks involved when using commercial bug sprays around your pet. If you prefer to avoid those risks entirely, you can create your own dog-friendly mosquito repellent with lemons and water. Lemon is a natural insect repellent due to its strong scent – though this scent annoys mosquitoes, it will leave your dog smelling fresh. To create your own mosquito repellent, follow the steps below:

As an alternative, you can also create a mosquito-repelling spray for your dog:

Preventing Exposure to


If you are taking your dog somewhere he is likely to be exposed to mosquitoes, the mosquito repellent options listed above will be helpful to have on hand. In your yard at home, however, there are a few things you might want to do to reduce the number of mosquitoes that congregate there. Follow these tips to ensure that your yard is not attractive to mosquitoes:

    In addition to taking these precautions, you should also avoid taking your dog outside during peak mosquito hours – dawn, dusk and early evening. Make sure to keep doors and windows in your house closed (or use a tight-fitting screen) to prevent mosquito from entering your home. These precautions, combined with natural mosquito repellents should be adequate to protect your dog from mosquitoes all summer long.



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