Pawly Lets You Play With Your Pet Even When You’re Not Home [Video]

Published A Few Days Ago

This robot pet sitter wants to help you be there for your pet, butyourhelp is needed to make Pawly a reality.

We all know the feeling. Leaving your pet at home for a day at the office can feel heart-wrenching — all they want is a little more of your time.

Well, Pawly wants to help make that happen for you and your favorite furry snuggle buddy.

Pawly is an ingenious little robot on wheels that can help you communicate and play with your pet, even when you’re not at home, and it’s currently in the midst of a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.

The colorful (and chew-proof!) robot almost looks like a little toy tank, but instead of artillery, it’s equipped with a microphone, speakers, HD camera and “Treat Blaster”. Yes: a Treat Blaster.

It’s also equipped with Wi-Fi and is controlled via a smartphone app, so you can check up on your pet as the day progresses.

You can use the app to navigate Pawly to wherever your pet is in your house and talk to them, take pictures or videos and even reward them with the Treat Blaster, a little pod-like device that literally launches a treat at your pet with the push of smartphone button.

Want to customize Pawly based on your pet’s unique personality? You’re in luck, because they’ve got plug-ins for that.

Toy-crazy pooch? The Rubber Body Shield lets you attach a favorite chew, squeak or scented toy to keep your pet interested. The company also plans to produce a Ball Thrower attachment so you can help your pooch get exercise, even when you’re not there. To call them over to the Pawly unit, you can use the embedded dog whistle, or simple use the sound of your own voice.

And don’t worry; the folks at Pawly haven’t forgotten our feline friends, either. Attach the Carpet Shield to give the device a texture that will appeal to your kitty (scratching post, anyone?). Use the Moving Switch connector to attach a feather toy or bubble machine to get your cat moving, or use the laser pointer attachment to drive your cat wild.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

If you’re interested in bringing home a Pawly of your very own, head on over to their Indiegogo page to help fund its development.

Right now, the Pawly team is about halfway through their 6-week crowdfunding campaign. They’re hoping to raise $80,000 before October 30, but they can’t do it without your help. Currently, they’ve raised just under $26,000.

So, what are you waiting for? Head on over and give them a boost! You won’t be charged any money unless the campaign reaches its $80,000 goal.

Want to learn more about Pawly? Check out the video below.



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