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fast facts

About Pushon

10-13 inches
10-18 lb
12-14 years
Not Applicable
Best Suited For
families with kids and other pets, first-time dog owners, those looking for a companion dog, owners wanting a watchdog
easy-going, loving, alert, playful, attention-seeking
Comparable Breeds
Pug, Bichon Frise

Pushon Basics

The bold little Pushon enjoys being part of families with kids, pets and other dogs and brings both the happy-go-lucky personality of the Pug and the gentle, sensitive nature of the Bichon Frise. This little dog is highly sociable and would love nothing more than to spend his entire day with his human pack – preferably sitting on a lap. While he can be a bit stubborn and become yappy when communicating his expectations, a little socialization will help curb these behaviors however the alert mini watchdog in him will never be tamed. Because both parent breeds are quick to bond with their family and known to suffer from separation anxiety when left for long periods of time, the Pushon will almost certainly follow suit.

The bold little Pushon is a playful combination of the happy, friendly Pug and the gentle, sensitive Bichon Frise.


Because of the Pushon’s Designer Dog status, it’s likely that he first appeared on the scene back in the 1980s when North American breeders first began crossing two or more pure-breds dogs with the goal of producing a pet that would be typically healthier, sometimes non-shedding or gentler than many of the more popular breeds. For the Pushon, his pure-bred parents include the Pug and the Bichon Frise who contrary to their offspring’s more recent lineage, both carry some pretty impressive history between them. The Pug first surfaced in ancient China where he was the pet of choice for Chinese emperors and later a favorite of Buddhist monks living the life in Tibetan monasteries. By the 16th century this animated little dog appeared in the courts of Europe where again he was a royalty fave and even immortalized in paintings by Goya prior to arriving to North America in the 19th century. While you might assume the Bichon Frise originated in France, his homeland is actually Spain where he was often used as barter by sailors who travelled the continents – hence this dog ultimately ending up in the Canary Islands. It wasn’t until the 14th century that they were brought back to Europe and their sweet nature made them a favorite of Italian nobility and a popular subject of the famed artist, Goya. Fast forward a few hundred years and after an up-and-down history that saw them reduced to simple street dogs for a period of time, this peppy little pup was named to the national kennel club of France in 1933. At the time they were known as the Tenerife and the Bichon and the club proposed the name Bichon Frise (Frise means curly) and well, the rest is history. He first arrived in North America back in the mid-1950’s.



The Pushon does not qualify to join the American Kennel Club (AKC) because of his mixed breed status however both of his parent breeds are well-established members. The Bichon Frise became a member of their “non-sporting” group in 1972 and is described as being playful, curious and peppy while the easy-going Pug joined the “toy” group back in 1885 and is considered to be a charming, mischievous and loving dog.


The Pushon is a small dog that is highly energetic and needs a nutrient-rich kibble that has been designed specifically for his age, size and activity level. Always opt for a food that is higher in protein and lower in fillers such as carbs that will cause him to constantly feel hungry and leave him wanting to over-eat or steal food from your other pets’ bowls. Because this little guy can suffer from joint issues later in life, it’s important to keep his weight at an ideal level so plan to feed him two to three smaller meals throughout the day versus allow him to free feed and potentially over-eat. And with this dog potentially inheriting the Pug’s flatter, brachycephalic face, his need to push his entire face into his food in order to eat can result in him gulping air and becoming excessively flatulent (and messy) so consider looking at some of the tilted food and water dish designed specifically to allow this type of dog easier access to his meals.

The perky Pushon is a true people-pleaser and loves being part of all family activities.


While both parent breeds are smart and quick to pick up commands, a bit of a stubborn streak may require a little extra patience in getting the Pushon to actually obey instructions. Take a firm, consistent approach that offers up lots of praise and rewards for a job well done – this dog absolutely thrives on attention so this will be a great way to engage him. With small dogs renowned for being a challenge to housebreak, you may want to consider crate-training with scheduled “potty breaks” throughout the day to help get him into a routine that works for both of you. Additionally, obedience training and socialization need to begin while he is young to avoid a yappy dog that won’t listen to commands. Simply exposing him to new sights, sounds and faces in a controlled, positive environment will go a long way in acclimatizing him to new situations and make him less reactive. And because this is a bright, playful pooch, any training that allows him to show off his agility and ability to perform tricks will be appreciated and one more way to bond with your new pooch.


Your little Pushon comes from two small dog breeds so regardless of gender or which side of the gene-pool rules, he’s going to be small. Expect him to weigh somewhere between 10 and 18 pounds.



The perky Pushon is a true people-pleaser and loves being part of all family activities. Whether interactive play-time where he can perform tricks for treats and praise or just sitting atop a welcoming lap, this small dog with the big personality needs to be close and won’t hesitate to bark to make this known. And while on the subject of barking… this pooch does have a tendency to become yappy and will need early socialization to curb this type of annoying behavior; while it makes him a great watchdog not so much a great apartment neighbor. Because he comes from two breeds known to suffer from separation anxiety, leaving him for longer periods of time – such as a work day – can become a problem as destructive behaviors such as incessant barking, chewing / scratching furniture and even urinating throughout the house can become an issue. While he can be a bit stubborn when it comes to obeying the rules, a little socialization will help curb this type of behavior. This little dog’s ideal home will have a family member present or a back-up plan such as a dog walker who can visit throughout the day, give him the attention he craves and get him out for a few short walkies.

Common Health Problems

Because Designer Dogs are typically bred with a goal of cancelling out many of the health issues that can plague their pure-bred parents, they are generally quite healthy. That said, it’s always important to read up on the issues your new pup could inherit down the line and with the Pushon that includes respiratory issues from the Pug’s brachycephalic facial structure, cataracts and dry eye as well as joint issues including patella luxation and hip dysplasia from both breeds. And if your Pushon inherits the heavier facial creases common in Pugs, he may also be prone to skin infections if they are not cleaned on a regular / daily basis to prevent a build up of bacteria. Although the list may seem a little daunting, this is a healthy little dog who may well never experience health issues throughout his lifetime.

Life Expectancy

The Pushon is a small sized dog that is more playful than up for long walks so it doesn’t take much to meet his exercise needs. This, combined with a diet appropriate to his age and size as well as annual check-ups with your vet to monitor his health, will ensure your little pooch lives a long and healthy life of between 12 and 14 years.

Exercise Requirements

The Pushon is a busy little dog who can wear himself out simply running around the house, playing with his toys and chasing balls. That said, a regular exercise regimen is needed to keep this bright boy mentally stimulated and this can be accomplished through a couple of short daily walks each day. Because of his bold, non-shy nature, a dog park is a great option to break up the routine and will certainly help tire this active little dog out. If he inherits the flatter face of the Pug, be highly cognizant of weather conditions as too much heat can result in severe respiratory problems. Keep walks short, playtime indoors during hot weather, and always carry plenty of fresh water for rest breaks.

The perky Pushon is a people-pleasing family dog that loves to be the center of attention.

Recognized Clubs

Also known as a Puchon, the Pushon’s Designer Dog status means that he is not a pure-bred and therefore not eligible to join the coveted American Kennel Club. He is however recognized by several lesser known organizations including the Dog Registry of America, Inc. (DRA), the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC), Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC) and the International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR).


Your new Pushon may inherit the short, soft single-coat of the highly-shedding pug or the longer, fluffy double-coat of the low-shedding Bichon Frise. Either way you will need to brush your dog on a daily basis in a bid to either combat the loose hair from the shorter, heavy shedding coat or keep the longer, fluffy coat matt- and tangle-free. If he does inherit the longer coat, periodic visits to a groomer will be necessary to keep his coat neat, trim and looking its best. While bathing is seldom necessary with this dog, small dogs are known to experience dental issues from over-crowding so be sure to brush his teeth 2 to 3 times a week. And with floppy eared dogs prone to smelly yeast infections, a weekly inspection and cleaning with a damp cotton ball will keep his ears healthy and smelling great.


You have a new Pushon puppy and you’ll be pleased to know you’ve chosen a dog that is playful, friendly and has a larger-than-life personality in a small pooch body. Right off the mark, you’ll need to begin socializing your little guy. He is bold, sassy and yappy so you’ll want to gently expose him to new scents, sounds and sights in order to de-sensitize him and minimize his reactive nature. Begin the process while he is very young and more likely to listen and obey instructions. Similarly house-training will be a challenge with this little dog and should begin at a very young age so that rules and expectations can be established. And with potential joint issues a concern as this dog ages, it’s important that playtime not over-exert his tiny limbs and cause injuries that can become more serious down the line.

Photo credit: Mary Swift/Shutterstock; Kaleb Kroetsch/Shutterstock; Bianca Grueneberg/Shutterstock



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