Top 10 Dog Workout Products for Workout Woofs

Published A Few Days Ago

Your dog wants to be active, because it means more fun and more time with you! Check out these woofing workout products that’ll condition your canine.


I have a one-year-old dog with a high drive, and an almost-12-year-old dog with three legs.


Sounds like the making of a great joke, right? The truth is that it’s hard to ensure that both dogs get the exercise and stimulation they need. The puppy has so much energy, she literally runs around in crazy circles sometimes when she has to get some out. My oldie Golden? With three legs, she needs to stay a healthy weight to keep pressure off her good back leg.


It’s time to get a little bit innovative – here are a few products that’ll help make exercise a breeze!


This agility training set includes a high jump, tunnel, weave poles, square pause box and adjustable jumping ring. Set up is quick and easy, and equally as quick to dismantle when you’re finished. This combined with the included sports-style storage bags makes this a great option to take with you to the dog park, a nearby field or, of course, in your own backyard. You can take your training with you wherever you go. The obstacles are made from durable plastic and stakes are included to help hold the tunnel in place during use.

We also are excited about teaching our pup how to use this in the spring! She already knows how to turn and open the door handles when she wants to come inside (if we could only figure out how to have her close the door behind her!) and a few of these in a path will get some of that crazy young dog energy out in a fun way we can engage with her.

Believe it or not, the K9 Fitbone was magic when our dog had her leg removed last year. It helped give her balance training with just the three legs, and her therapist used it to strengthen her good back leg, as well as give her the opportunity to work on her proprioception now that she was a tripod. But it’s great for any dog that you want to develop strength or endurance in, and can work with small or big dogs to do full-body conditioning!


I love that these agility bars give your dog a good cardio workout but also allow you to do some agility training for dogs like mine who just need jobs. They are lightweight and easy to move around for different patterns, and come with training cards so you can feel like a pro while your dog learns to be one!

You know you love nothing more than playing tug with your dog but sometimes, it’s just not something you can do. But your dog doesn’t have to suffer with this indoor interactive toy. It’s great mental stimulation and exercise for dogs under 30 pounds, and helps them burn off extra energy when you can’t play tug with them. You can take the wand off and play with them if you like, though, so it’s a win-win purchase!


My dog could literally chase after a ball for hours on end. She’s not as great as retrieving as I’d like (ironic for a retriever, no?) but she loves me throwing and running after them. This one is made for small dogs, but there are some that are made for bigger, as well as for all sizes and outdoors as well, so they can run themselves ragged!

My husband and my golden loved to run. But running isn’t as easy on my husband’s knees anymore, and my golden doesn’t understand why they don’t get out together as much as they used to. Enter the bicycle exerciser extender. You can bike while your dog still gets the freedom to jog/run and both enjoy time together in the fresh air!

If swimming is your dog’s jam (and even if it’s not!) this barbell is a great way to build strength and give a great cardio workout! It floats so it can be thrown in the water, letting your dog swim to get it and bring it back. If you choose to use it out of the water, it’s still great, but we suggest you buy the white one, as research has shown that dogs have a hard time discerning green from red with training toys.


10.No Walk, No Worries Book!


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