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About Yorkie-Pom

3-7 lb
12-15 years
Not Applicable
Best Suited For
Families with older children, singles and seniors, apartments, houses with/without yards
Affectionate, energetic, alert, intelligent
Comparable Breeds
Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian
6-12 inches

Yorkie-Pom Basics

If you were ever worried that you wouldn’t be able to find a small dog adorable enough to fulfill your voracious appetite for cuteness, worry no longer! We have the pupper for you. The Yorkie-Pom is known by many names including “Porkie” and “Yoranian” (yep, if the names are almost offensively cute). This lovable designer breed is a cross between a purebred Yorkshire Terrier and a Pomeranian, making it the ultimate small-breed dog. These little dogs exhibit the best of both worlds when it comes to temperament and behavior. They are essentially a cross between the affectionate Yorkshire Terrier and the energetic Pomeranian. Energy, affection, and furriness. What more could you possibly want? These pups make other purse dogs jealous. If you need a little extra fuzzy cuteness in your life, it doesn’t get much better than the Yorkie-Pom. This pooch prompts squeals of delight from fully grown adults everywhere that it goes.

Of course, owning a dog is a major responsibility that shouldn’t be determined entirely by cuteness. It’s sad but true. So, before you consider one of these little dogs, it’s quite important to learn everything you can about them. Crossbreed dogs (also known as designer dogs) come with some challenges due to variations in breeding. You cannot expect every litter of Yorkie-Poms to exhibit the same characteristics. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. Keep your eyeballs glued to this page to find out whether or not a Yorkie-Pom belongs in your life.

The Yorkie-Pom is known by many names including “Porkie” and “Yoranian”.



The exact origins of the Yorkie-Pom breed are unknown because hybrid dogs have been in existence for many years. Chances are, there have been more than a few mischievous Yorkies and Pomeranians that got together and produced unplanned mixed breed litters before designer dogs were even a thing. How could they possibly resist each other? This is why it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of a single hybrid breed. There have been countless mixes throughout history, but no one thought to name them or give them a status of a breed! There’s no documentation. No anecdotal evidence. Nothing. It’s like these perfect pups entered our lives through magic or something.

We do know that designer dog breeds like the Yorkie-Pom have become more popular within the past few decades. However, no one breeder has been credited with the development of this particular designer breed. So, we can’t know with certainty when or where these dogs came to be. However, it’s highly likely that their story is similar to that of many other hybrids. This would mean that the Yorkie-Pom was first developed in the United States, sometime in the last 20 years. That’s the best we can do. Unfortunately, know one will ever know the name of the genius breeder who gifted the first Yorkie-Pom to the world.


The Yorkie-Pom is a 50/50 mix of a purebred Pomeranian and a purebred Yorkshire Terrier. This type of crossbreeds is known as first generation hybrid (and the parents are always two different purebreds in this case). As a result, puppies that come from this mix often vary in terms of looks and appearance. The pups inherit traits from both parents, which are not always that similar. It’s a roll of the dice every time. You never quite know which parental traits are going to appear in a first generation hybrid, even amongst puppies born within the same litter. while some people prefer the uniformity of purebred dogs with many generations behind them, part of the Yorkie-Pom’s charm lies in the fact that every dog is unique. You can never know which side of the family tree the puppies will favor! It’s a surprise every time. Like a blind box toy, only alive!

Of course, it is possible to have a Yorkie-Pom with more or less than 50 percent of each parent breed in its heritage. These are multigenerational crossbreeds, but these are far too rare in the designer dog community, as most of these breeds are too recent for this type of breeding. This will change over time. Eventually there will be Yorkie-Poms born several generations deep with more reliable traits. For now, you never quite know what you’re going to get with each pooch. Forrest Gump would love it.


Much like every other dog, the Yorkie-Pom also requires a healthy and well-balanced diet to thrive. Meeting the dietary requirements of your dog should be one of your primary concerns as a pet owner because a well-thought out meal plan can go a long way for any pooch. Luckily, the Yorkie-Pom is not that complicated. He will do well on high-quality dry food for dogs. Just make sure that it is the right one for their own needs. The ingredients should be natural and high-grade, with meat representing the highest percentage of ingredients, followed by health facts, and vitamins. Avoid cheap foods full of filler as they can actually damage your pet’s health in the long run.

Yorkie-Pom will need kibble formula that is appropriate for his size, activity level, and age group (puppy, adult, or senior). Small breed formula is usually a good choice, as it is made specifically for dogs of their size and energy. However, this may change as they age.

Another important thing about the diet of this hybrid breed is making sure to get portions just right. Overfeeding your petite pooch can quickly lead to obesity and health issues. Unfortunately, the Yorkie-Pom gains weight with ease. So you have to be careful with portion control and this pup. Stick to recommendations from the manufacturer. Half a cup to a full cup of kibble per day is usually everything your pet needs to be full.

As always, if you are ever concerned about your pup’s diet, it’s wise to consult with your veterinarian. While dog food manufacturers and the internet provide good guidelines that are worth following, every dog is different. The only person qualified to assess the specific dietary needs of your personal pooch is your vet. So never be afraid to check in with your vet about this issue. It’s why you have a vet, after all!

The Yorkie-Pom is an intelligent breed that generally responds well to training.


Every potential dog owner needs to keep in mind the importance of proper training. It is the rock-solid foundation of the upbringing of every happy and healthy doggo. The Yorkie-Pom is an intelligent breed that generally responds well to training but these little dogs can develop an independent streak if you aren’t firm and consistent with your training practices. It is best to start training early for this dog and to establish yourself as the master of the house. If you give in to your dog too often and let him ignore your commands, he may develop Small Dog Syndrome in addition to other problem behaviors. 

Socialization is also important for this breed and it should be started from a young age. Initiating training early and often with a puppy is one of the most important things that you can do as a dog owner. It’s also important to focus on training rooted in positive reinforcement and rewards. Negative reinforcement and punishment is closer to abuse than training and should be avoided at all costs! Your pooch deserves so much better than that. Just remember to utilize your patiences and positive reinforcement – some tasty reward treats can work like a charm towards good results. Also, remember that when they are just puppies, dogs tend to soak up information really quickly, learning commands and tricks with surprising speed. So take that time to your advantage. 


Owners should never overlook the potential weight and size of their future pet. It can tell you a lot about the way your new doggo should be cared for. The Yorkie-Pom typically stands between 7 and 12 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs between 3 and 7 pounds at maturity. The size of this breed varies depending on the size of the two dogs used to create the cross but either way, the Yorkie-Pom is always a petite pooch. They are tiny by anyone’s standards, regardless of which parent they favor. As such, this designer dog breed won’t require a lot of food or a lot of space to thrive under your care. But, of course, as it usually goes with small breeds, the Yorkie-Pom can be quite energetic and rowdy. Make sure that they have enough space around the home, and plenty of exercise outside. And remember, no matter the dog’s size, there is no excuse to keep them cooped up indoors all day long. That being said, these dogs can thrive in a variety of environments, which comes as good news to owners with limited space at home. Tiny houses, apartments, small homes – all are fine for the petite Yorkie-Pom, as long as they are not confined and cooped up. 

Since the Yorkie-Pom is so small and compact, this breed can be prone to obesity. To keep their weight in the normal range, make sure that their diet is balanced and healthy. Of course, exercise is also important. Your pup needs to spend those calories and maintain a balanced weight. This won’t be challenging, however, as the Yorkie-Pom is energetic and loves to play and zoom about. With a good diet, they won’t have much trouble remaining lean and healthy. 



The temperament of the Yorkie-Pom breed will vary according to breeding but, for the most part, these little dogs are friendly and energetic. Pomeranians are particularly friendly and playful, though they can also be a little assertive and willful at times. The Yorkshire Terrier, on the other hand, is good-natured and loves nothing more than to be a lap dog. You can expect some combination of these characteristics from your pooch, but as mentioned above it’s tough to guess precisely which traits will be favoured in your Yorkie-Pom. These dogs also tend to be very noisy, so you may need to train your dog to respond to a “hush” command to get him to stop barking. These dogs also tend not to do well with young children as they are very delicate.

Of course, a lot about a dog’s personality depends on those early formative stages. Make sure to adopt an assertive attitude with your Yorkie-Pom pup, and to lay down foundations for a healthy adult dog. Socialization, of course, comes in at the first place. For your Yorkie-Pom to shine later on, you want to give them a loving and eventful puppyhood. With that, they won’t develop some behavioral issues such as proneness to barking and snappiness.

Common Health Problems

No doggo out there is exempt from some potential health issue, be they simple or serious. For the most part, however, the Yorkie-Pom is a healthy breed. In many cases, crossbred dogs are less likely to develop congenital conditions than purebred dogs simply because the gene pool is much larger. That is not to say that the Yorkie-Pom isn’t prone to developing certain health conditions. All breeds have the potential to be affected by a number of different diseases. Some of the conditions most likely to affect this hybrid breed include eye problems, dental problems, epilepsy, liver disease, respiratory infections, and kidney problems. It’s nothing to be too worried about, but it’s also worth maintaining regular check ups with your vet as your pup gets older to monitor things and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Of course, a lot about your pet’s health depends on your care and attention. Good health is only possible with a proper diet, plenty of exercise, and regular visits to the vet. If you happen to neglect these things even in the slightest, you can certainly expect something to go awry. So, guarantee your pet’s good health by taking real good care of them.

Life Expectancy

The average lifespan of the Yorkie-Pom is between 12 and 15 years. For such a small doggo, this is quite the lifespan! Fifteen years is considered the average maximum for most dog breeds, and Yorkie-Pom fits right into that category. Of course, the combination of a long lifespan and their wonderful characteristics makes them great companion dogs and true four-legged friends to any family. Fifteen years is no small number: your Yorkie-Pom can remain a loyal and good friend for a good part of your own life.

Of course, make sure that you give them ample care and love throughout their lives. With your help and care, they can reach their maximum age, but not when they are neglected. Affection, good diet, exercise, and dedicated veterinary care are all the important factors that can have an impact on the quality and longevity of a dog’s life.

Exercise Requirements

Because the Yorkie-Pom has Pomeranian blood, it is generally going to be a high energy dog. They will simply love to run around, zoom about the park, and generally act silly. These dogs are also intelligent so they require plenty of mental stimulation in addition to exercise. If left alone too long (or if not properly trained), these dogs are prone to developing problem behaviors and Small Dog Syndrome. You don’t want to have a little furry Napoleon on your hands! This breed is adaptable to city or apartment life, however, as long as it gets enough daily exercise and has stimulating toys to keep its mind active. When the weather does not allow you to play in the park or the yard, you can utilize some fun doggo toys to keep boredom at bay! 

The temperament of the Yorkie-Pom breed will vary according to breeding but, for the most part, these little dogs are friendly and energetic.


The Yorkie-Pom is not recognized by the AKC because it is technically a hybrid of two pure breeds rather than a new breed. This is almost always the case with unique cross breeds and designer dogs – they lack the official recognition of the lead dog breed registries. The Yorkie-Pom has, however, recognition from a few smaller canine clubs and organizations. The Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian mix is known under various different names and each of the organizations accepts this breed under one of those names.

For instance, the American Canine Hybrid Club recognizes this breed as Yoranian. The Designer Dogs Kennel Club and Designer Breed Registry both accept it as a Yoranian Terrier. The International Designer Canine Registry® calls the breed Yoranian Terrier or Porkie, whereas the Dog Registry of America, Inc. accepts all names. All of these recognitions are a great start towards a wider acceptance of designer dogs. Such a popular and loved breed certainly deserves entry into all the official lists. 


The coat is definitely the defining feature of every dog, giving them their elegance and distinct character. And that coat will need to be maintained. Because the Yorkie-Pom is a cross between two long-coated breeds, you can expect it to have a fairly long coat. Most exhibit a combination of colors in their coats. While Yorkshire Terriers are typically dual-colored with black, tan, blue, or gold, Pomeranians come in all kinds of colors, usually solid. Grooming is especially important for the Yorkie-Pom to keep shedding under control and you will need to give his coat a trim several times a year as well.

At home, you can do some light brushing throughout the week, just to keep everything tidy and free from mats and tangles. But with grooming, it is best to visit a professional dog care salon. Make that a once a month visit and you will ensure that your Yorkie-Pom always looks dashing and elegant. Throw an occasional bath into the mix and you will definitely have a tidy and attractive doggo by your side. Don’t forget that good hygiene is a big part of good health! 


The average litter size for the Yorkie-Pom breed varies. Yorkshire Terriers typically deliver 3 puppies per litter, while Pomeranians average 2 to 4. You can expect similar litter sizes from this breed. One thing to be wary of with this breed is that whelping is often difficult because the dog is so small. Another thing you may notice is that the coat color of Yorkie-Pom puppies may change as the puppy grows and matures. This is common in the Pomeranian breed and may be passed along from a Pom parent.

Yorkie-Pom puppies are so tiny and delicate in those early stages. To that end, it is important to exercise great care and not to introduce them immediately into large crowds or leave a puppy unattended around children. This can cause trauma, stress, and potential injury for such a tiny newborn puppy. But once they begin growing, and show that unmistakable desire to play and goof off, you should start introducing other puppies, dogs, and king people. This is an important step for a puppy growing up and will ensure good socialization and a friendly attitude later on.

Besides socialization, which is crucial, you should also start training your dog while they are still a puppy. This is the time when they are so eager to learn and will soak up everything they are taught. New tricks, commands, and rules will quickly be understood and accepted. So utilize this period to lay down the foundations for a healthy and happy doggo. You would be surprised at how fast great results can come with an eager to learn puppy. 

Photo credit: JStaley401/Bigstock.com; pakornkrit/Shutterstock; Ryan Brix/Shutterstock



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