Cats Photoshopped in Soccer Pictures Score All The Goals

Published A Few Days Ago

Somedays you have some free time and nothing to do with it, right? Wrong. Now you do.BoredPandais sponsoring a unique photoshop challenge that has fur flying on soccer fields!

Cats and soccer go together like peanut butter and fried potatoes, right? Well, they do now, as BoredPanda is sponsoring a Photoshop challenge that has encouraged photoshopping cute little kittehs into pictures of serious soccer shenanigans.

Related:Hilarious Cat Adoption Profiles Will Make You Do A Spit Take!

The result? Hilarity in a way that only cats on a soccer field can bring, thanks to the magic of Photoshop.

Here are some of our faves!

Ronaldo may be known for his dramatic skills, but he’s got nothing on that high-flyin’ cat!


This soccer star wants to hold all the kittehs.


That little kitten is all-in for watching that goal!


Related:10 Ridiculously Awkward Pet Portraits

While this guy’s extra appendages stop anything from hitting that net!

An extra set of paws never hurts when it’s time to defend the goal!


This guy is just begging those kittens to show him the money shot!

But really…is there a better picture to plaster on your wall than this one? We think not! Gooooooooooooaaaaaaalllll!!!!!



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