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About Dameranian

5-12 inches
8-20 lbs
12-16 years
Not applicable
Best Suited For
Families with older children, seniors, singles, apartments, houses with fenced yard
Affectionate, devoted, loyal, stubborn, intelligent, lively
Comparable Breeds
Dachshund, Pomeranian

Dameranian Basics

If you want a dog that’s friendly, loyal, smart, and playful, you will love the Dameranian. This designer dog breed was developed by crossing the lively Pomeranian and the short-legged Dachshund. The breed also has other names, such as Doxie Pom, Pom-Dach, Pom-A-Weenie, Pomaweenie, Pomdach, or Pomweenie. While it is a general rule that it’s hard to know what to expect with designer dog breeds, this is particularly true for the adorable Dameranian. Not only that these dogs can be wildly different across a single litter, but there are significant differences on the level of the whole breed. The reason for this is that the Pomeranian parent can be crossed with any of the different Dachshund types: short-haired, long-haired, and wire-haired. Depending on the type of Dachshund’s coat, a lot about a Dameranian’s appearance can change.

As for their personality, these cute mixes between a Doxie and a Pom are sure to charm the pants off you. Sweet and amiable, these wonderful dogs tend to form a strong bond with one human in the family. If you’re that lucky person, they’ll shower you with love and devotion!

If you want a dog that’s friendly, devoted, smart, and playful, you will love the Dameranian.


The ​Dameranian is a designer dog breed, and there is still a lot we don’t know about these unique dogs, starting with their origin. While there were surely accidental matings of Wiener dogs and Pomeranians before, it is only in the last few years that there have been intentionally bred litters of Dameranians. As it is the case with most hybrid dog breeds, the Dameranian was also first established in the United States.

However, just because the history of this designer breed is modest, it doesn’t mean that the same goes for its parents. Both the Dachshund and the Pomeranian are breeds in good standing that have been cherished for centuries by generations of dog owners. The fluffy Pomeranian was the favorite lap dog of nobles and aristocrats ever since the 18 century. These feisty canines have been known to be pets of famous figures such as Michelangelo, Mary Antoinette, and Queen Victoria. Dachshunds, on the other hand, were first bred to hunt badgers, but evolved to companion dogs in the 1800s. It is also then they were selectively bred to be smaller and friendlier.



American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize designer dog breeds as official breeds. The reason for this is that hybrid dogs, such as the Dameranian, do not have a set standard they have to adhere to. As they are direct descendants of two purebred dogs, and not selectively bred throughout generations, there is a much greater uncertainty when it comes to their appearance. Due to their individuality, Dameranian puppies are not able to get pedigrees, but their parents might have one. A reputable breeder will have all the pedigree papers for their purebred parents. And, if they’re show quality dogs, it might also reflect on the price of Dameranian puppies, as well.


Dameranian is a small breed dog, and high-quality dry food for petite dogs will be a great fit for them. Of course, in addition to kibble, you can switch it up with an occasional homemade meal, canned dog food, and other yummy treats. Just make sure not to go overboard with servings!

Owing to its Dachshund parent, the Dameranian is very prone to being overweight. They are greedy eaters and if you let them overindulge in delicacies, it will show on the scales. Obesity in dogs is a serious issue that can lead to various health problems and severely lower your pet’s quality of life. To prevent your pet from gaining excess weight, make sure not to free feed them. Instead, dole out rations of kibble a few times a day. This way, they won’t gobble up the food in seconds and feel hungry for the rest of the day. Make sure to follow a feeding guide to determine the right amount of food you should be giving to your pet.

Owing to its Dachshund parent, the Dameranian is very prone to being overweight.


When it comes to Dameranian, they can either be a breeze to train or prove to be a handful- there’s rarely any in between. The reason for that is that both the Pomeranian and the Dachshund are exceptionally smart breeds. They have no problem picking up what you’re teaching them and will learn tricks and commands with ease. The problem is, both of the parental breeds of the Dameranian can also be stubborn, willful and strong-willed pooches. Of course, this can require a bit of effort from your side to get them to do what you want them to. Thankfully, there’s a trick- but you have to be careful how often you rely on it. As they are very food-motivated, Dameranians can be coaxed with yummy treats, but you shouldn’t let them overindulge- they’re prone to weight issues.

As they are very devoted to their owners, and often form an unbreakable bond with one of the family members, Dameranians can be affected by separation anxiety. If you work long hours and if you leave your pet home alone for a period of time, it’s crucial to socialize them on time to prevent this issue. Not only that separation anxiety takes its toll on the dog, but it also affects their owners, as it will lead them to chew and scratch everything around your home or bark excessively. Make sure to teach your pooch that being on their own is nothing to fret about- it will save you a lot of nerves in the long run!


Dameranians can weigh anywhere between 8 and 20 pounds. As it is the case with all crossbreed dogs, there is no way to know with certainty what your dog’s size will be when they reach maturity. They will be a small breed dog, that’s for sure, but there are big variations inside that category, too! The differences in the weight are not insignificant, and they will largely depend on which of the parents your puppy favors more. If your pooch is more like the Pom, they’re likely to be smaller. Their sex plays a role, as well, as female Dameranians tend to weigh less than their male littermates.



Both the Doxy and the Pom are very popular dog breeds and treasured pets. And it’s not only that both of them are cute as buttons- it’s because their personalities are great, as well. The same holds true for their offspring, the lovely Dameranian. These hybrid dogs are popular for their unique appearance and affectionate temperament. They are bred to be companion dogs and their behavior definitely shows it. Dameranians are usually very friendly and sweet towards everyone they meet, but truly devoted to one person alone. They are fiercely loyal and form a strong bond with their owner. The Dameranian will usually be extroverted, happy-go-lucky pooch that will be in the spotlight wherever they go!

Of course, that’s not to say that designer dogs always inherit only the most desirable traits of their parents. These Wiener Pom mixes can end up having the “small dog complex” and think they’re much bigger and scarier than they are. As a result, they could be getting into conflicts with other pooches at the park. Similarly, they can be a bit yappy or nippy if not socialized on time. However, if you nip these unwanted behaviors in the bud with proper training, you won’t have to worry.

Common Health Problems

Although there is a common belief that designer dog breeds have fewer health issues than purebred dogs, that’s not always true. Sure, they might have less of a chance to inherit a breed-specific issue from one of the parents, but there are still two different gene pools that carry health problems to deal with.

Dameranians are relatively healthy, especially if they have optimal living conditions. A well-balanced diet and enough exercise go a long way when it comes to dog health! However, there are still some concerns you should pay attention to when getting a Dameranian puppy. Some of the common genetics-related issues are patellar luxation ( hip dysplasia), proneness to allergies, and epilepsy.

Additionally, both the Pomeranian and the Dachshund are known to have dental issues if their oral hygiene is bad. Unless you brush their teeth routinely and offer dental treats, there is a high chance your pooch will have early teeth loss or even bacterial infections due to plaque buildup.

Life Expectancy

As an official designer dog breed, Dameranians haven’t been around long. It’s only in the last few years that these hybrid dogs became popular, so it’s impossible to say with certainty what their lifespan is. You can, however, guesstimate their life expectancy. For the petite Dameranian, the expected lifespan is anywhere between 12 and 16 years.

Exercise Requirements

Dameranians might be small and bred to be companion dogs, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not active! These small dogs are pretty energetic and will love to play and explore during the day. Of course, as much as they have spirit, Dameranians have a moderate need for activity. Spending 30 to 60 minutes a day in walks, playing fetch, or sniffing around a securely fenced backyard will meet your pooch’s need for exercise.

While most of their exercise can be done indoors, as they are small, you should take out your Dameranian outdoors for walks and play time. Spending time on fresh air will do them a world of good- and help keep those extra pounds at bay!

Due to their moderate activity needs and sweet personality, Dameranians will adapt to most living conditions.

Recognized Clubs

Not unlike all designer dogs, Dameranians are not recognized by official canine organizations such as the AKC. Ther are recognized by a number of other clubs, though, such as the American Canine Hybrid Club, Designer Dogs Kennel Club, Dog Registry of America, and International Designer Canine Registry.


The appearance and the quality of your pet’s coat will largely depend on its Dachshund’ parents hair. Wiener dogs come in three coat types: wiry, long, and short. Combined with the extremely fluffy fur of the Pom, this means that your Dameranian pooch can sport anything from a silky medium-length coat to a short haired one (most common) and everything in between. Either way, these dogs are not excessive shedders and won’t need much grooming to stay in ship shape. Brushing them a few times a week and giving them a bath every couple of weeks is more than enough to keep them looking their best!


You’ll be hard-pressed to find anything cuter than a litter of Dameranian puppies! These adorable babies will need timely socialization and training, though, to ensure they grow up to their potential. These hybrid dogs will impress you with their unique appearance and loving temperament. It’s impossible not to be charmed by their kind eyes and wagging tail!

Due to their moderate activity needs and sweet personality, Dameranians will adapt to most living conditions. They are a good choice for seniors and families with older children, as well as apartment dwellers.

Photo credit: Lioneska/Shutterstock; Kajina74/Shutterstock



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