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About Newfypoo

70-150 lb
8-12 years
not applicable
Best Suited For
Singles, seniors, and families with children and other pets who live in a house with a yard
Alert, energetic, friendly, loyal, gentle, kind, even-tempered, loving, intelligent
Comparable Breeds
Newfoundland, Poodle
22-30 inches

Newfypoo Basics

Looking for a big pup with an even bigger heart? Then the Newfypoo is the dog for you! This gentle giant will blow you away with his combination of intelligence, playfulness, and a kind heart. The Newfypoo is a large breed designer dog suitable for families that live in a house with a big backyard. These pooches don’t do well in cramped condos, they need plenty of space to burn off all of their excess energy. Since these are really friendly and outgoing dogs, they usually manage to get along with everybody (Well, if they have been properly trained and socialized, that is). For that reason, they can adapt to various families and lifestyles- from active singles to families with kids. The Newfypoo will be happy and content as long as he gets all of the love and attention that he deserves.

The Newfypoo is a dog with many names. Depending on who you ask, they are also known as the Newdle, Newfydoodle, Newfiedoo, Newfoundlandpoo, Newfoundlandoodle, Poofoundland, and Newfoundland-Poodle Mix. Naturally, as these alternative names are a bit of a mouthful, so the Newfypoo is currently the only “official” name for the breed. In case the name(s) didn’t already give it away, these large dogs can be a cross between the elegant Poodle and the sweet Newfoundland. As with all crossbreeds, these dogs can be a bit unpredictable in terms of which parent they favor more genetically. However, because the parental breeds in question are quite compatible, you can be certain that you’re getting a smart, gentle, and friendly dog. That will stay the same even if they’re slightly bigger or curlier than you may have expected.

It’s hard to resist the charm and looks of a Newfypoo, but you should get to know this breed well before you decide to add one of these precious pooches to your family. Get the facts below so you can make the right choice when you’re ready to add a dog to your household. While every dog is lovable, they aren’t all necessarily the right match for every home.

The Newfypoo is a mix between a Poodle and a Newfoundland.


When it comes to designer dogs, it’s not always possible to know the exact origin of each individual breed. The reason for this is that many of these crossbreeds have existed for ages, albeit as unplanned litters of accidental matings between purebred dogs. Generally speaking, the origin of a designer dog is considered to be the moment when breeders started developing the mix intentionally. For instance, the Newfoundland and Poodle mix was probably made to create a new breed that would be adaptable, friendly, and extroverted with a chance for a low-shedding coat. We can’t know for sure, but that seems like the most likely goal behind this pooch.

While we might not know the nitty gritty about the development of this hybrid, the general history of designer dogs tells us a lot about the Newfypoo. It’s probable that the Newfypoo is a designer crossbreed from the United States that had its start sometime in the last 20 years. Beyond that, it’s hard to say specifically where this breed came from.



As we said, this unique crossbreed has very interesting origins. Knowing more about their source and their potential pedigree can also help you learn more about the breed and its special traits. The Newfypoo is quite a unique mix – a cross between a purebred Newfoundland and Poodle. In most cases, these designer dogs are a 50-50 mix between the two parental breeds, which makes them a first generation hybrid. This type of designer dog is the most common one, and is often characterized by good health and varying traits.

Since the mom and dad of these crossbreed puppies are not that much alike, there will be some differences between the puppies. For instance, some might inherit the Poodle’s narrower muzzle and sport curlier coat. While others might have big, teddy-bearish heads like their Newfie parent. The differences can be apparent even between littermates. There is no uniformity or set standard for the breed. That’s just the nature of hybrid designer dogs. They tend to be unpredictable, especially when their parents are as different as the Newfoundland and the Poodle. This means that not even the breeders can tell for certain how a litter of Newfypoo puppies will look exactly. So, in many ways, the looks and the traits of a Newfypoo puppy are a true surprise for all. 

However, many breeders are working towards developing a set of traits that will be required for every Newfypoo. This can be achieved with multigenerational crossing, where the percentage of each parental breeds varies depending on which traits are more desirable. For example, more Poodles in the gene pool could lead to a hypoallergenic coat, while more Newfoundlanders for a dog that’s suitable for hard work. Breeders are currently trying to set these sorts of standards in Newfypoos. Some day, there may be a predictable Newfypoo out there, but for now it’s always a bit of a crapshoot. One this is guaranteed though. Your Newfypoo will be absolutely adorable. That’s a fact.

Food / Diet

Not unlike most dogs, the Newfypoo will do well on high-quality dry food. However, the kibble you choose must be made from high-grade natural ingredients and formulated to meet their unique needs. In the Newfypoo’s case, it will usually be large (or X-large) dog breed formula for active dogs that’s also suitable for their age group (puppy, adult, senior). If you have any concerns about whether your kibble is meeting the dietary needs of your Newfypoo, then it’s always worth consulting with your vet. Dog food manufacturers can provide a rough guide of what type of pup will benefit most from their kibble, but ultimately every dog is different. The only way to be absolutely certain that your specific pooch is getting the nutrients they need is to follow the advice of a vet who is familiar with your animal.

Newfypoos are big dogs that are considered heavy eaters. You can give your dog anywhere from 4½ to 6 cups of dry food, divided into several feeding sessions each day. Monitor the amount of food that you feed in order to prevent your dog from becoming overweight or obese since it’s amazing how much food a Newfypoo will swallow up.

Newfypoos are highly intelligent, so you can teach your dog to do a lot of fun tricks.


Overall, these dogs are inclined to listen to your commands because they are smart and eager to please. You may be surprised by how quickly and easily you can train a Newfypoo. In comparison to other breeds, less repetition is often needed to train these dogs. However, to be successful, positive training methods must be utilized, and training and socialization should be started as early on as possible. Waiting too long to properly train your pup will lead to behavior issues. So it’s best to start training them early and often. Always focus on encouragement and rewards. All dogs respond best to that approach.

When fully grown, Newfypoos are large and heavy, so teaching your dog to walk properly on a leash is important. This will ensure that you’ll always have control over your animal while you’re out walking. Train your dog to not pull on his leash or pause suddenly while you are still walking. That could lead to all sorts of problems down the line if you aren’t care.

It is also a good idea to crate train your Newfypoo, who should enter his kennel at your command. You can begin by saying a word, such as “kennel” and then placing your dog into the crate. Leave a few treats in there before locking it, and then wait a few minutes before you let your dog out and give him plenty of praise.

Newfypoos are highly intelligent, so you can teach your dog to do a lot of fun tricks, such as giving you a high five or anything similar. Train your dog to follow commands by using positive reinforcement and using treats as rewards. It's amazing what these dogs can be trained to do, so have fun with it. Just remember to start early, to make the whole process all the more easier. When they are young – these pups soak it all up! 


A large sized breed, the Newfypoo weighs between 70 and 150 pounds. That’s a big boy. More of a furry roommate than a pet. This, of course, means that Newfypoos won’t do well in tiny places – they just won’t thrive in a small studio apartment. If you have limited living space, think twice before committing to a Newfypoo. A large and spacious home would be a much better solution! Or, even better, a house with a fenced-in yard. That way, your pet can have the necessary space inside, and a bit of a free space in the yard! It is the best of both worlds.

Another “consequence” of their robust build and considerable weight is their appetite. As we mentioned, the Newfypoo is quite the voracious eater. Thanks to their size and their energetic behavior, the Newfypoo loves to munch. This will require from you a good deal of attention when it comes to their diet and eating habits. Keep it under control, don’t feed them outside the scheduled time, and keep their diet clean and healthy. Luckily, obesity is not a common issue amongst the Newfypoos – they are tall and large, and hard to get fat. Even so, a poor diet can lead to a whole string of other issues that can affect their health.

Temperament / Behavior


The Newfypoo is a breed that’s known for a having a big heart. These dogs are super friendly, docile, lovable, even-tempered, and kind. They’re social, playful, and they want to do whatever it takes to make their family happy. These dogs will get along great with adults, as well as children, and they can even mingle with your other pets just fine. It’s hard to find anyone who won’t fall for these big and beautiful animals. They are just too lovable. They will even win over people who don’t think they like dogs with their playful personalities.

Despite their cute and soft appearance, these brave dogs are protective of the family they love, and they even make good watchdogs. Intruders are often deterred by these large dogs and their imposing personality. So if that’s something you’re looking for, the Newfypoo will deliver. All in all, this is a balanced breed with an even temperament, eager to please and loved by all. A guard, a family dog, a loving goof – the Newfypoo has it all. These dogs are also good for families, solo owners, seniors, and young people - as long as you provide good care, it will be a perfect companion pet. 

Common Health Problems

No dog is 100% safe from health issues and diseases, no matter their lineage, and the same is true for a Newfypoo. Because the Newfypoo is a hybrid dog breed, it is possible that your dog will inherit a condition that is common to one of its parent breeds. However, just because your dog is a hybrid certainly does not mean that it is guaranteed to encounter any of those health issues. Remember, each dog is an individual, and you can’t predict a specific animal’s long-term health. Just like humans.

You should, however, watch out for eye conditions, such as cherry eye and progressive retinal atrophy, as well as heart conditions like subvalvular aortic stenosis. These dogs may also have bone problems, such as elbow and hip dysplasia and patellar luxation. They may even develop thyroid disorders. To avoid complications with any of these conditions, it’s best to maintain regular checkups with a vet, especially as they get older. Your vet will be able to identify any of these potential problems early and start treating the before they grow into something uncontrollable.

Of course it goes without saying that proper care is fundamental for a dog’s good health. To keep the health issues down to a bare minimum, you should take care of all the needed aspects of dog care. This includes a good and balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and regular checkups. 

Life Expectancy

The Newfypoo has an average lifespan of 8 to 12 years. Although not the maximum lifespan for dog breeds, 12 years is still a considerably good life expectancy for a dog of a Newfypoo’s size. It goes a bit beyond the average mark, and means that your Newfypoo friend can stay by your side for a solid number of years. And once we take into account their goofy, affectionate, and intelligent character, it is easy to see how these wonderful dogs can become the ideal companion pets and true furry friends! And, you have to agree, 12 years is a substantial period for creating some lasting and warming memories. 

Exercise Requirements

All dogs are at least a little bit active, and will depend on daily exercise to stay happy and healthy. Newfypoos benefit from daily activity, such as hikes and walks, as well as a good amount of playtime. This will ensure your dog will remain mentally and physically fit. These dogs are not well suited to long distance running, but they do enjoy swimming. So plan your Nefypoo’s exercise regime accordingly.

If you have a safe and enclosed backyard, your Newfypoo will benefit from outdoor playtime and other activities that allow him to work his muscles and expend his energy. If you can’t provide a nice hearty walk on any given day, allowing them to burn off all of their excess energy in a backyard is a good alternative.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should arm yourself with a small arsenal of dog toys. These can be interactive puzzles, chew toys, squeakers, balls - you name it. Whatever the choice, dog toys are a good way to pass the time and still engage in some light play and light exercise. Toys are particularly good when the weather outside is rainy or cold, and prevents you from engaging in proper outdoor fun. 

The Newfypoo is a breed that’s known for a having a big heart.

Recognized Clubs

The Newfypoo is not recognized by the American Kennel Club because it is considered to be a hybrid breed and the AKC still maintains a bias against those sorts of dogs. However, this breed is recognized by the Dog Registry of America, Inc. (DRA) and the International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR). Of course, there are a number of special organizations and clubs that are centered primarily on the Newfypoo breed! These clubs are usually centered on fans and enthusiasts of the breed, and will offer you all the necessary information about the Newfypoo, as well as offer much-needed support for new owners. You can rely on these clubs to find out where the best and reputable breeders are, what is the breed’s pedigree, and how best to look after your pet. After all, some of the best tips and tricks can come from like-minded owners and lovers of the Newfypoo breed!


One of the main traits of all Poodle mixes is their coat – it’s usually the main reason why people crossbreed Poodles, as an effort to transfer their hypoallergenic hair to a new designer dog with unique traits and looks. Of course, this doesn’t always turn out to be true – some Poodle mixes don’t inherit any of the coat qualities of their parent, others end up being low-shedding instead, which is what often happens with Newfypoos.Despite being a low shedding breed, grooming a Newfypoo could be a little challenging, due to its oily, water-repellant, thick, and curly coat. Therefore, a lot of Newfypoo owners seek the help of professional dog groomers to save themselves any headaches.

However, you should still establish a steady weekly routine to keep on top and retain your dog’s good looks and hygiene. So, in between those grooming sessions, you should brush your dog two or three times a week in order to keep the coat fluffy and remove burrs, mud, leaves, and dirt that can easily stick to the coat. Bathing will also be necessary at least once a month. Otherwise these pups can get a little bit stinky. You’ll know when it’s time to bath them. Trust us. These coat care routines might seem a bit challenging at first, but they are really basic and mandatory – and will become a simple daily task once you get a grip of it. 


The puppies of all dog breeds are absolutely adorable once they come into this world. Often enough, this cuteness is hard to resist, and attracts a ton of eager cuddlers. Newfypoo puppies are also absolutely adorable, but they are small, so you should be gentle with them to prevent injuries. Keep those enthusiastic snugglers – kids especially – away from your pups, especially in those few early days. But once the critical stage is gone, you should begin rearing your puppies to become easy-going, friendly adult dogs. This is why you shouldn’t make the mistake of overlooking proper socialization. It is the crucial aspect of every dog’s life.

These doggos should be socialized and trained from a young age, just like any other breed. This will ensure that they grow up to be happy, confident, and social adults. Remember that socialization is a healthy start and a gateway towards a healthy and fulfilled dog – and owner too! Failing to socialize your puppy early on, you risk seeing some negative behavioral issues develop down the road – such as aggression, anxiety, fear, and other problems. To remedy this, it is best to introduce new dogs, people, and children to your puppy early on. With plenty of social interaction, that barrier is overcome while they are still learning about the world and are open to new experiences, so your puppy can grow up into a healthy adult dog that is at ease in different situations and environments.

It can be a great challenge to try and remedy the lack of socialization later down the road, when a dog is an adult. It can require a lot of time, patience, resources, and difficult training in order to fix the faults made through improper upbringing. So save your time and effort, and your relationship with your pet – and don’t skip on that early socialization! 



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